Here are some highlights:
* The first 2 weeks were one big blur of fussiness and lack of sleep. The most frustrating thing I have ever experienced is spending hours soothing a baby and having him still screaming. Especially the first night after no sleep in 48 hours and feeling like I was run over by a mack truck the night before (i.e. labor). Ray and I set him down at one point and just looked at him screaming and looked at each other and no words were needed...
* At first I was in denial when Ray said he thought he cried more than most babies. Ha. No longer in denial after everyone that has spent considerable time with him has commented on his fussy-butt-ness. This actually makes me feel much better because there was a time when I thought for sure Roscoe would be an only child. Now I am thinking maybe someday far, far away we might have another and gamble that our next is an easier baby.
* He is growing up and already getting less fussy every week. Makes for an all around much happier family unit and it has only been a month. Just think how happy we will all be in a couple more months! :)
* Roscoe's Grandma Bird (my mama) came to visit for a week and spoiled him rotten. He spent most of the week sleeping in her arms and having conversations with her which he loved. In fact, just this morning I Skyped my mom and Roscoe stopped everything and sat in rapt attention staring at the computer as my mom talked to him. Ray and I were able to get more sleep and even go grocery shopping by ourselves. Yay for grandparents!

* He has broken in his crib (custom made by Grandpa "Papa Top") and although he will sleep there sometimes, he prefers to have play time there and stare at the slats while kicking his legs and squawking.

* Ray and I even managed to get out for a date night to Cirque du Soleil's Ovo (Ray's work's holiday event) while Lolo and Lala Friend watched him for a few hours. Ray's dad did look a little shell shocked when we returned (the fussiness can do that) and thought maybe he was just always hungry. Thankfully they have agreed to watch him again and continue to visit and generously take turns holding him while Ray and I enjoy whatever food they brought that visit. Wonderful.

* In the span of a month, he has managed to pee on himself more times than we can count; pee on both of us; pee on his own face; have many, many poop explosions up his back; throw up in Ray's mouth when Ray kissed him; throw up on me WHILE he was eating (with only a 1 second pause); throw up on the pediatrician at his one month check up and burp VERY loudly when we visited the birth center's childbirth class to tell our birth story. Ray and I are thoroughly entertained by this. Not sure if everyone else feels the same, but that's our boy and we love him.
* He has visited 2 of his Mama's clients and managed to look cute and make sure I have a job to go back to in a couple of weeks.
* He has tried a pumped bottle (liked it, anything with food in it makes him a happy boy) and a pacifier (a tough sell, which he will sporadically take). The pacifier was one of those things we did not intend to use, but a screaming baby with an extreme sucking reflex makes one reconsider these things. He uses it maybe once every other day now, for about 1 minute to calm himself and then he is over it. We are thrilled at this victory.
* He had his first 2 doctor visits. The first one our pediatrician came to our house when he was 2 days old. The second we went to the office and he blew (breastmilk) chunks on the doctor. We also took him to the hospital for his newborn screening where they prick his foot and take 5 or 6 blood samples. Shockingly, he slept through this entirely.
* Any concern that people voiced about him not getting enough food can be laid to rest (some people presumed that is why he was so fussy and since he also spits up a lot...). I was never concerned because he can chow down and we can both tell he is getting heavier by the day. This was confirmed at his 1 month appointment when he weighed 9 lbs 8 oz. Yes, our Porker with a capital P gained 3 lbs 2 oz in one month. The doctor joked (at least I hope he was joking) that if he gained more than 2 lbs next month he would have to put him on a diet. I personally think his new double chin is pretty cute.
* He definitely takes after his Daddy in that he likes to be moving at all times. He wiggles and kicks and flails his arms and cranes his neck (looking like a turtle since his forehead is all wrinkly). If he is fussy (and not sleepy or hungry or too gassy) I can usually make him happy by having him practice sitting up and standing (obviously with a lot of Mama support). For some reason he loves this. He absolutely did not get this need to move from me. And after spending a few days with Ray cooped up in the house and watching Ray's sanity melt away until he could go for a run or something, I know he is his Daddy's son. He also loves to "Ride The Bike" when I pump his legs, loves his Tummy Time and even likes bath time.
Ok, so he didn't like his first bath...

* His doggy siblings are well adjusted to his presence already. Roscoe rarely flinches when they bark (must be used to it from in utero), but the dogs did not know what to do when Roscoe screamed. Mela usually hid under the desk and Ikaika would pace and whine looking at us like - what the hell, do something about that. Ikaika is more protective and sometimes gives up his cushy dog bed to sleep on the floor next to Roscoe in bed. He also alerts me when I leave Roscoe in his crib by sitting outside the nursery and whining and looking between Roscoe and me. Mela, true to her personality, has already snuck in a cuddle or two.

Here are some more photos of Roscoe's first month. Some of them are not the best quality because I took them on my phone.
Roscoe's First Christmas: Only 1 day old

There are more pics on Ray's photo site if you are interested...