Mooper Pooper (a.k.a Mela) had to go to the vet today. As the dogs get older they have been having all kinds of crazy growths. You may remember a couple of the more memorable growths - Ikaika's cancerous testicular tumor and Mela's elbow tumor that the doctor thought was likely cancerous, but was just fiberglass (?!). Well, another particularly odd growth has appeared on Mela's face, under her eye, and it is getting huge and squishy. Ray just brought her in and the vet said,
"FIRST we'll deal with the growth...
THEN we'll deal with her teeth...
THEN we'll deal with her weight."
Ray said, "I know, I know and I know." Apparently her teeth are really awful and her breath is extra stinky (I could have told you that). Her teeth have have been bad since we adopted her 6 years ago - much worse than Ikaika's. And (duh) she is overweight. They are already on elderly-dog-diet-food and we even give them less than the recommended amount. We could certainly walk them more, though Roscoe can walk much faster than them these days. I feel like a dog owner failure. They are well loved and spoiled in a lot of ways, but our attention is spread thin these days and Mela is not a squeaky wheel. (Ikaika on the other hand...) They biopsied the growth and the vet was surprised that it was so "cell-y" because it wasn't what she was expecting. We find out the results on Tuesday. Let's hope it is just some more fiberglass or another freakish-but-benign ailment.
I love them dogs.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Yin and Yang
These two kids we find ourselves raising are already proving to be very different from each other:
Roscoe was bald till, I don't know, 15 months or so.
Luka has a head full of black hair.
Roscoe came out a ball of (screaming) fire and started to get easier after a few months.
Luka seemed such a content little bug when she first arrived and has seemed to get harder every week.
Roscoe got his first tooth (well, actually, his first six at once) at nine months old.
Luka is already sprouting her first at 3.5 months.
Roscoe's first noises were dinosaur-like and not especially common.
Luka already has a repertoire of coos and noises that all sound quite different and sweet and she can spend a half an hour just having a conversation with me. It seems to be her most favorite thing. (and I quite enjoy it myself...)
Roscoe was independent from the get-go and attempted to stand on his little newborn legs immediately, always wanted to be on the move and showed no special attachment to Mama until maybe 18 months old.
Luka has no desire to stand, wants to be held at all times and only by Mama. She will literally scream her (pretty little) head off if anyone else tries to hold her. Ray is only just now able to take her for short intervals. She is one dedicated Mama's Girl. Even Roscoe has noticed - when Ray was holding her this morning Roscoe said, "No! Mama's Luka!"
It really is incredible to witness these perfect little people grow and change and develop their own unique personalities. Last week I got a chance to catch up with a dear friend who had her first baby a bit before Luka. We were just marveling at how much life changes when you become a parent and how much you sacrifice and yet how it is all worth it and you are still You, but different, but somehow more You than ever before. Fascinating, this parenting thing. I am so glad I have had the chance to experience it. Especially with Ray because he is a pretty amazing co-parent. And extra especially with these two particular kids that I love so darn much.
Roscoe was bald till, I don't know, 15 months or so.
Luka has a head full of black hair.
Roscoe came out a ball of (screaming) fire and started to get easier after a few months.
Luka seemed such a content little bug when she first arrived and has seemed to get harder every week.
Roscoe got his first tooth (well, actually, his first six at once) at nine months old.
Luka is already sprouting her first at 3.5 months.
Roscoe's first noises were dinosaur-like and not especially common.
Luka already has a repertoire of coos and noises that all sound quite different and sweet and she can spend a half an hour just having a conversation with me. It seems to be her most favorite thing. (and I quite enjoy it myself...)
Roscoe was independent from the get-go and attempted to stand on his little newborn legs immediately, always wanted to be on the move and showed no special attachment to Mama until maybe 18 months old.
Luka has no desire to stand, wants to be held at all times and only by Mama. She will literally scream her (pretty little) head off if anyone else tries to hold her. Ray is only just now able to take her for short intervals. She is one dedicated Mama's Girl. Even Roscoe has noticed - when Ray was holding her this morning Roscoe said, "No! Mama's Luka!"
It really is incredible to witness these perfect little people grow and change and develop their own unique personalities. Last week I got a chance to catch up with a dear friend who had her first baby a bit before Luka. We were just marveling at how much life changes when you become a parent and how much you sacrifice and yet how it is all worth it and you are still You, but different, but somehow more You than ever before. Fascinating, this parenting thing. I am so glad I have had the chance to experience it. Especially with Ray because he is a pretty amazing co-parent. And extra especially with these two particular kids that I love so darn much.
Monday, March 19, 2012
A First Time for Everything
We had a lot of family firsts this past weekend:
It was our first road trip as a family of six (to Tahoe).
It was Luka's first time to the cabin.
She also rolled over for the first (and second and third) time.
Roscoe slept in a big boy bed for the first time.
He also got his first (and second and third) time out.
We were too busy wrangling the Crazy Littles to take any pictures, but I think the snow was about to my waist. And it was blizzard-ing both ways. It was most certainly an adventure.
For me the weekend was split about evenly between thinking "this is so refreshing and great to be disconnected and enjoying family time" and "what the heck were we thinking; I am never getting into a car with these two screaming children and whining dogs ever again." So, an overall success. Now let's not do that again for awhile...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Confessions of a Change Addict
Because that is what I am, right? Who in their right mind makes multiple major life changes every year of their adult life? Obviously I am not in my right mind. I go on and on about wanting some monotony and settling in this year and nesting and blah, blah, blah. I am all talk.
Let's see. We started the year with a 2 week old. I decided to throw a birthday party for the 2 year old when she was only 3 weeks old. At our house. Husband starts a new job (working longer hours with a longer commute and more travel, at that). Brother has scary bad accident. I fly across the country with a newborn and a toddler by myself. We decide to refinance house (paperwork time suck). I return from my maternity leave, but keep taking the baby with me (i.e. working two jobs at once).
And then I thought: life is getting dull.
We have gone a month without having our lives turned upside down. Must do something irrational and stress-inducing. I can either get pregnant (just typing that almost induced a panic attack) or I can embark on a new job adventure with more work hours, more responsibility and more management required. To hell with the cushy, familiar, part-time job I currently have that was perfectly fine (well, that is debatable, but as my boss once said "I don't know why people complain because it isn't like it is a dangerous work environment.") Let's take a job that promises huge growth and responsibility, fancy business attire and a steep learning curve!
So, I did. Of course I did.
Let's see. We started the year with a 2 week old. I decided to throw a birthday party for the 2 year old when she was only 3 weeks old. At our house. Husband starts a new job (working longer hours with a longer commute and more travel, at that). Brother has scary bad accident. I fly across the country with a newborn and a toddler by myself. We decide to refinance house (paperwork time suck). I return from my maternity leave, but keep taking the baby with me (i.e. working two jobs at once).
And then I thought: life is getting dull.
We have gone a month without having our lives turned upside down. Must do something irrational and stress-inducing. I can either get pregnant (just typing that almost induced a panic attack) or I can embark on a new job adventure with more work hours, more responsibility and more management required. To hell with the cushy, familiar, part-time job I currently have that was perfectly fine (well, that is debatable, but as my boss once said "I don't know why people complain because it isn't like it is a dangerous work environment.") Let's take a job that promises huge growth and responsibility, fancy business attire and a steep learning curve!
So, I did. Of course I did.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Humor is in the Eye of the Beholder?
Roscoe is a regular comedian today.
First, when he woke up this morning I was holding him and telling him how Mama was going to be home All Day today and how much fun we were going to have together. He normally gets excited about All Day, but today he just said "what chicken butt!" and started laughing hysterically at his own joke. (Thank you, darling husband, for teaching our son his first "joke": guess what? chicken butt!)
Second, he was trying to share his strawberries with Luka at lunch today and she was smiling at him and then SHE LAUGHED. For the first time. It took me by such surprise I was actually confused for a second wondering what that sound was. So, I told Roscoe we should keep being goofy and try and get her to laugh again. Roscoe and I are making faces and acting crazy and then he pulls out the big guns: he pulls a pretend choochootrain out of Luka's ear. Because Daddy does that to him and it always make him laugh...
First, when he woke up this morning I was holding him and telling him how Mama was going to be home All Day today and how much fun we were going to have together. He normally gets excited about All Day, but today he just said "what chicken butt!" and started laughing hysterically at his own joke. (Thank you, darling husband, for teaching our son his first "joke": guess what? chicken butt!)
Second, he was trying to share his strawberries with Luka at lunch today and she was smiling at him and then SHE LAUGHED. For the first time. It took me by such surprise I was actually confused for a second wondering what that sound was. So, I told Roscoe we should keep being goofy and try and get her to laugh again. Roscoe and I are making faces and acting crazy and then he pulls out the big guns: he pulls a pretend choochootrain out of Luka's ear. Because Daddy does that to him and it always make him laugh...
More Roscoe-isms
Luka is a sweet pea and a master coo-er. As much as we are soaking up her precious baby-ness, Roscoe does tend to steal the show these days. Toddlers are entertaining in general, but Roscoe's Oscar-worthy performances really take it to the next level.
* I just love the toddler speak. I love that Roscoe says things are "yummy yummy good" and that he calls robots "robops." My absolute favorite right now is that he calls his rocking chair his "raccoon chair." So stinkin' cute.
* When Rocs and Lu are both demanding my attention I will sometimes have Roscoe sing a song with me to Luka to help calm her down. The other day Nani had just come over and I was nursing Luka on the couch. Luka was crying so Roscoe decided they needed to sing her a lullaby. He got his guitar and made Nani play the drums right up next to us and he belted out one of his original compositions. Something like "LA-LA-LA-LUKAAAA" (sung very loudly, while stomping one foot).
* Speaking of Nani... that girl wins the prize for best nanny ever. She adores Roscoe and his flair for the dramatic instead of being overwhelmed by him like most of his past care providers. They were at library the other week and she was giving him his lunch after storytime. He didn't want to eat any of it because he wanted to play, so he kept saying no and she kept offering different things. All of a sudden Roscoe looked around desperately and started shouting dramatically, "HELP! HELP!" Yes, at the library. Yes, because she offered him lunch. Clearly a horrific offense. This may or may not have been the time Nani had a couple of (thoroughly entertained) moms ask her if he watched a lot of cartoons because he is "very animated." That's our boy!
* We went to our first baptism as a family the other day. That was an amateur mistake. If I have learned anything in the last 2-ish years, it is that you need to know your kids and make wise choices based on what you know. What I know about my kids is that neither one of them will sit quietly for any amount of time. So, why I thought it would be plausible to take them to a Catholic church to witness a special, sacred moment I have no idea. Ray and I took turns walking Roscoe around in the hallways (where you could hear his every word from inside the church) and outside (it was freezing) and swinging Luka like a maniac in her car seat while desperately trying to get her to suck a paci, a pinkie, anything. Roscoe was having a blast pointing at everything yelling "WHAT THAT?" and "MAN!" every time he was saw a statue. We pointed out that a particular statue was Jesus so he pointed to it and repeatedly shouted "MAN JESUS? MAN JESUS. MAN JESUS? MAN JESUS" for the whole sanctuary to hear. Yup, Christian parents of the year right here.
* The toddler age is so... just, MUCH. So much drama, so many tantrums and so much ridiculous cuteness. Ray got Roscoe from bed the other morning and he came to find me (changing Luka in my room) and said "Mama, I missed you!" Melt. My. Heart.
* Ray parents were watching Basi and Diwa the other weekend and we came over to hang out. Ray and I both thought it was hilarious (and slightly embarrassing, I suppose) that as soon as they saw Roscoe coming they both went to hide their toys because Roscoe would want to play with them and he is, well, a little rough even when trying to be gentle.
* When you don't have siblings that are of playing age, you have to get creative. Rocs definitely thinks the dogs are his playmates even though their ideas of fun are very different. They have finally discovered a mutually enjoyable game. Roscoe escapes from the table and, holding a pretzel, runs around the house. The dogs, ever hopeful Roscoe will drop something, follow him. This prompts Roscoe to shriek in delight and chant "coming! coming!" Inevitably he will drop something and the dogs will get a bite of pretzel. Repeat till all are tired and happy.
* I just love the toddler speak. I love that Roscoe says things are "yummy yummy good" and that he calls robots "robops." My absolute favorite right now is that he calls his rocking chair his "raccoon chair." So stinkin' cute.
* When Rocs and Lu are both demanding my attention I will sometimes have Roscoe sing a song with me to Luka to help calm her down. The other day Nani had just come over and I was nursing Luka on the couch. Luka was crying so Roscoe decided they needed to sing her a lullaby. He got his guitar and made Nani play the drums right up next to us and he belted out one of his original compositions. Something like "LA-LA-LA-LUKAAAA" (sung very loudly, while stomping one foot).
* Speaking of Nani... that girl wins the prize for best nanny ever. She adores Roscoe and his flair for the dramatic instead of being overwhelmed by him like most of his past care providers. They were at library the other week and she was giving him his lunch after storytime. He didn't want to eat any of it because he wanted to play, so he kept saying no and she kept offering different things. All of a sudden Roscoe looked around desperately and started shouting dramatically, "HELP! HELP!" Yes, at the library. Yes, because she offered him lunch. Clearly a horrific offense. This may or may not have been the time Nani had a couple of (thoroughly entertained) moms ask her if he watched a lot of cartoons because he is "very animated." That's our boy!
* We went to our first baptism as a family the other day. That was an amateur mistake. If I have learned anything in the last 2-ish years, it is that you need to know your kids and make wise choices based on what you know. What I know about my kids is that neither one of them will sit quietly for any amount of time. So, why I thought it would be plausible to take them to a Catholic church to witness a special, sacred moment I have no idea. Ray and I took turns walking Roscoe around in the hallways (where you could hear his every word from inside the church) and outside (it was freezing) and swinging Luka like a maniac in her car seat while desperately trying to get her to suck a paci, a pinkie, anything. Roscoe was having a blast pointing at everything yelling "WHAT THAT?" and "MAN!" every time he was saw a statue. We pointed out that a particular statue was Jesus so he pointed to it and repeatedly shouted "MAN JESUS? MAN JESUS. MAN JESUS? MAN JESUS" for the whole sanctuary to hear. Yup, Christian parents of the year right here.
* The toddler age is so... just, MUCH. So much drama, so many tantrums and so much ridiculous cuteness. Ray got Roscoe from bed the other morning and he came to find me (changing Luka in my room) and said "Mama, I missed you!" Melt. My. Heart.
* Ray parents were watching Basi and Diwa the other weekend and we came over to hang out. Ray and I both thought it was hilarious (and slightly embarrassing, I suppose) that as soon as they saw Roscoe coming they both went to hide their toys because Roscoe would want to play with them and he is, well, a little rough even when trying to be gentle.
* When you don't have siblings that are of playing age, you have to get creative. Rocs definitely thinks the dogs are his playmates even though their ideas of fun are very different. They have finally discovered a mutually enjoyable game. Roscoe escapes from the table and, holding a pretzel, runs around the house. The dogs, ever hopeful Roscoe will drop something, follow him. This prompts Roscoe to shriek in delight and chant "coming! coming!" Inevitably he will drop something and the dogs will get a bite of pretzel. Repeat till all are tired and happy.
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