Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesdays with Roscoe

As adorable and wonderful and lovely Luka is, this post is all about Roscoe.

I find myself wishing I had a tape recorder embedded in my mind so that I could capture all of these normal, but ridiculously fun and sweet moments.  All stages of parenting so far have been precious in their own way, but there is something extra special about watching Roscoe develop the language to express himself and tell us what he thinks and feels and what he dreams about.

A sampling:

The wheel falls off Roscoe's garbage truck and he tries in vain to fix it with his "tools."  Realizing he can't fix it, he picks up the "phone" and calls Daddy.  "Hi Daddy.  What you doing?  Oh, ok.  Want to fix my truck?  Ok?  (laughs) Oh, thank you!"

Finding a towel and asking me to wrap it around him and tie it in the back, just so.  And then wrap a plastic thing around the knot.  "I am a chef.  Want a cookie?  I make you a cookie.  Oh, you want some water?  I make you some water.  Here." (holding out upside down Duplo; I take and sip; Luka tries to grab) "No, Luka!  You can't have water!" (laughing and shaking his head and waving his arms like Luka is ridiculous, yet hilarious)

One of his toys becomes hidden inside another toy and he is inspired.  (jumping up and waving his arms) "Abracadabra, allacazoo!  Watch very carefully!  I make a rabbit in a hat!"  (pretends to pull rabbit from hat and holds it out toward me) "Want to pet it?"

Ray wearing his "running tights" under his running shorts.  Roscoe: "what are those?"  Ray: "my superhero pants"  Roscoe: "psssht!"  (rolling eyes, again the ridiculous yet hilarious bit)

Love that boy.