Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Lala and Diwa came to pick Roscoe up this morning for an adventure at the children's museum near here. Roscoe and Diwa get along really well, both of them get so excited to hang out that they have a hard time winding down.  (I also happen to know that visits with Lala always include mac & cheese and often include ice cream, which likely plays a part...).  I don't need to work until the afternoon, so Luka and I had a girls' morning with a long walk and a stop at the grocery store.  It was fun having Luka to myself and getting to watch her uninterrupted.  She had so much fun playing with flowers and sticks and laughing her "villian laugh" (haHAA).

Last night Roscoe would not cooperate at bedtime and we used the stern voice with him.  This morning he was awake for a little while, happy and playing, and then he stopped.

Roscoe: I'm not feeling very well.
Mama: Does something hurt, Rocs?
Roscoe: My heart hurts.
Mama: Why does your heart hurt?  Are you sad?
Roscoe: Yes, because you got mad at me last night and it made my heart feel broken.

Oh.  My.  How can a 3 year old have such a way with words already?  Lord, help us.