...ramblings of the day-to-day goings-on at our little SF love nest...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Baby Halo-Halo is Already a Popular Guy!
I have to say that I feel ridiculously loved and spoiled by all of the well wishes and sweet gifts that have been showered on us and our son during this pregnancy. After baby's Chicago Fan Club threw us the shower in September, I thought we were at spoilage capacity, but apparently not! One of my clients had a lovely lunch shower for me and another client threw us a surprise dinner shower (with the help of Ray). Note genuine surprise (and happiness - I love these coworkers!):
Our friends and family here also threw another shower for Baby H-H a couple of weeks ago. We had great food and games and I loved being able to catch up with a lot of people that I don't see very often. Thank you everyone for all you have done - we appreciate it very much and I am so thankful that Baby Halo-Halo is coming into the world so loved. Here are some pictures of our SF baby shower:
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