Saturday, April 3, 2010

Roscoe is 100 today! (days that is...)

I randomly clicked on a link this morning that calculates how many days/weeks old your baby is (I have long lost track) and Roscoe is exactly 100 DAYS today!  To celebrate we are taking him to the doctor for more shots...

Not a lot to say today, just thought I'd pop in.  Here a couple quick updates:

* We did hire the nanny/sitter, Lizette.  She starts April 19.

* After a lengthy self-pep-talk, I successfully renegotiated my contract at my largest client.  That should defray most of the nanny costs, so it is almost like neither has really changed anything...

* Ray's parents are back from Egypt and watched Roscoe on Thursday.  They couldn't get over how quiet he was and how he only cried when he needed something.  Hooray for the end of colic!  Now that things are so much easier we may even gamble and have another one (eventually... don't get too excited)

Happy Easter everyone!

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