Friday, September 3, 2010


I feel like I should have something to say since I haven’t posted in a while and it feels like there is so much going on.  But I don’t really have much to say after all.  We have moved so big change there, I suppose.  Dad came to visit and worked like a dog to help us get ready to sell our home.  We are so close to being done with the work that I can almost taste it.  That’s a good thing, too, since we only have 2 more weekends to work and those weekends are also filled with other commitments.  Roscoe is cutting his first 2 teeth (bottom front).  I think that is about it. 

More than anything these days I am feeling a little lost.  I have plenty to do, but I still don’t really know what to do with myself.  It is probably just the state of limbo we are in: we don’t live there anymore, we kind of live here, but not really and we don’t know where we will be in a couple of months.  My work and nanny schedules have changed so much in the last month or so that I can barely remember where I am supposed to be and when I do or don’t have childcare.  Plus, we still haven’t decided where we want to move, our nanny is still moving to Brazil in a couple of months and Ray is still planning to leave his job and take over his dad’s company in a few months.  Maybe in six months I will look around and finally recognize my life again. 

In the meantime things are going well and I am feeling mostly optimistic and curious for what is to come.  Soon we will have pictures of the final product when our house goes on the market (2 weeks from yesterday), so I will wait to post any “After” pictures until then.  Our real estate agent is so geared for a quick sale that it has me torn between hopeful and skeptical.  Only time will tell!  

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