I seem to talk a lot about Roscoe's (lack of) sleep. Although, considering how life altering it is for me, I don't talk about it all that much. But I am desperate. I need help. If he doesn't sleep better soon I think I will give in to the temptation to crawl in a hole and hide for a few months. I have slept a grant total of about 3 hours in the last 2 nights (yes, that is both nights combined) and I am so tired I can barely function. I know, it is part of having a baby, but still at 10 months?! The to-do list in front of me is blurry and moving and I am completely apathetic about getting any of it done. The last 2 nights have been extra bad (i.e. he basically only takes 20 minute breaks from crying here and there - the non-crying time is spent nursing), but even on a "good" night these days no one gets much sleep. This would be typical:
7:00pm-8:00pm Try and put him to sleep. He finally calms and stops crying and falls asleep
8:45pm-8:55pm Wakes up, repeat cry/soothe/cry/nurse routine.
9:45pm-10:00pm Wakes up, repeat cry/soothe/cry/nurse routine. Give up and try go to sleep, too.
11:30pm-12:00am Wakes up, repeat cry/soothe/cry/nurse routine.
1:30am-2:00am Wakes up, repeat cry/soothe/cry/nurse routine.
3:00am-3:30am Wakes up, repeat cry/soothe/cry/nurse routine.
4:30am-5:00am Wakes up, repeat cry/soothe/cry/nurse routine.
6:00am Ray wakes up. Roscoe restless, but I try and keep sleeping/resting until 7:00am
What the EFF do I do???
Obviously, he is not hungry when he nurses, he just wants to be soothed. And obviously if he had his own room and my in-laws weren't a stone's throw away sleeping (and have to work the next day) we could let him cry more and soothe himself. But that is not an option until we move. SO... what can I do? Any suggestions? Here is what we have tried:
Crying longer before soothing
Chamomile tablets
Teething tablets
Baths before bed
Only sleeping in his crib
Sleeping in our bed
Ray trying to soothe him at night
Giving him a bottle at night instead of nursing
Sleep Sheep
Glow worm soothing thingie
Giving him a "lovie" monkey
Putting him to bed earlier
Putting him to bed later
Feeding him solids right before bedtime
Not feeding him solids before bedtime
Fan on
What else should we try?
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Swimming, Swimming, In the Swimming Pool...
This past weekend Lil Roo had his very first swimming lesson! I think I still have cheek-fatigue from the ridiculous grin I wore the entire class. Roscoe in his little green trunks with his little white belly and his serious face trying to process this new experience... "jumping" off the side into Ray's arms... Ray singing the singalong songs and Roscoe eating up every second of Daddy's attention... pure cuteness. It was a parent-child class that Ray found to take with him at the local Y. Most of the kids were older and could actually follow instructions and sing along, but Roscoe far out-splashed them all (even causing one of the parents to move her child to the opposite side of circle time from him...). Aside from vigorous splashing, Roscoe also enjoyed dunking his face under (on his own accord) and then looking stunned and having Ray blow bubbles on his stomach.
Unfortunately they were very strict about their no photo/no video policy, but I did manage to sneak one photo in before they came over and laid down the law.
Unfortunately they were very strict about their no photo/no video policy, but I did manage to sneak one photo in before they came over and laid down the law.
Roscoe deciding what he thinks about this whole pool thing...
Mama needs to learn new tricks. This used to be his barricade, but now he easily scales it (or plays in it):
I don't even know who took this picture, but he looks like such a big boy!

And a few more for the the road...
Five minutes in the life of Roscoe:Mama needs to learn new tricks. This used to be his barricade, but now he easily scales it (or plays in it):
I don't even know who took this picture, but he looks like such a big boy!
p.s. Ray got another big promotion effective January. Unfortunately he was planning to leave before then, but we'll see how things go. And yes, he did JUST get one a few months ago - he is that amazing.
p.p.s. No news on the house. Another couple very interested (asking lots of questions, coming multiple times, asking for the disclosures packet, etc.), but this seems to happen every week and then nothing, so not getting my hopes up (at least not too much).
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Who Do YOU Think He Looks Like?
It's the Great Debate. And instead of both families trying to claim him, for the most part everyone in Ray's family assumes Roscoe looks like me and everyone in my family assumes Roscoe looks like Ray. Because he doesn't entirely look like either one of us... What do you think?
For the record, Roscoe appears to be headed more in the direction of his Tatay (flying down the hill on skis) than his Nanay (sneaking a flashlight and books to bed) if the Ants In His Pants are any indication.
Also, for the record, I'm always getting the blame for Lil Roo's baldy head, but it appears I did have some hair after all (enough to warrant a trim at least!)
This Week I'm...
(idea stolen from Sara)
Loving: my new coffee treat: 1/2 cup coffee, 1/2 cup warmed rice milk, honey. YUM.
Hating: that Roscoe insists on starting each nap standing in his crib and talking to the wall. Until he gets tired and is scared to fall and starts wailing for me to help him down. Although I know any day now he will learn and I will miss his cute nervous face pleading with me to help him.
Craving: Dutch apple pie.
Wanting: for our condo to sell. Today.
Reading: Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home
Watching: The Biggest Loser (never watched it before, but the inspirational stories, motivation to work out and before & afters have me hooked this season).
Listening to: I don't even know where my iPod is, but my last download was Eminem's The Recovery.
Looking forward to: Mamma Bird's visit!
Worried about: Nothing in particular today. Just a general anxiety about the state of flux my life is in at the moment.
Loving: my new coffee treat: 1/2 cup coffee, 1/2 cup warmed rice milk, honey. YUM.
Hating: that Roscoe insists on starting each nap standing in his crib and talking to the wall. Until he gets tired and is scared to fall and starts wailing for me to help him down. Although I know any day now he will learn and I will miss his cute nervous face pleading with me to help him.
Craving: Dutch apple pie.
Wanting: for our condo to sell. Today.
Reading: Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home
Watching: The Biggest Loser (never watched it before, but the inspirational stories, motivation to work out and before & afters have me hooked this season).
Listening to: I don't even know where my iPod is, but my last download was Eminem's The Recovery.
Looking forward to: Mamma Bird's visit!
Worried about: Nothing in particular today. Just a general anxiety about the state of flux my life is in at the moment.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Starbucks Marketing Miracle
Same story, different day. Roscoe slept a couple of hours and then spent the rest of the night inconsolably crying. When we "woke up" Ray went to the gym and I mumble-grunted "need coffee."
And then the miracle happened.
Roscoe spotted the Starbucks cup from across the room.
I suppose the ugly vortex of consumerism has started already and his brand loyalty has been set. Too bad Starbucks doesn't make baby food. Maybe then I could get him to eat some instead of swatting it away and flinging it around.
And then the miracle happened.
Roscoe spotted the Starbucks cup from across the room.
I suppose the ugly vortex of consumerism has started already and his brand loyalty has been set. Too bad Starbucks doesn't make baby food. Maybe then I could get him to eat some instead of swatting it away and flinging it around.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Pressure is ON. Must distract myself...
Last night we got back from a 24 hour getaway to Tahoe. This is only our second time to the cabin since Roscoe was born and it is always refreshing to have a complete change of scenery. Plus I am sure Ray's parents appreciated having the house to themselves without our tribe for a couple of days. The pups went for a swim, Ray chopped firewood, I read a magazine and Roscoe got to explore a whole new un-childproofed house. He also got himself his first black eye (there's one for the baby book) when he launched himself into the base of a rocking chair.
In condo news, we had our fourth open house yesterday. Our agent is now afraid our condo is getting "stale" and is suggesting a large reduction in price if it doesn't sell soon. "Soon" like within a few days. And our downstairs neighbor is listing his place any day, which will really hurt our chances of selling at a decent price. We can't lower the price because we would be taking a huge hit and wouldn't have much money to put down on another house. It is already hard enough to qualify for a mortgage the size we need, so less money down will basically take us out of the game. We will have to figure out other options like moving back in or renting it out. Renting it out wouldn't cover our expenses and then we would have to find a place to rent that allows babies and pit bulls... Haha yeah right. What a bunch of crappy news. Our agent has two showings scheduled for today and one of them really, really needs to bring an offer. I mean reeeeally.
Just so I don't end this post abruptly, hunt out a dozen donuts and a bottle of wine to drown my sorrows in, let's focus on my favorite subject... The Roo. He seems to have entered a warp speed developmental spurt - I can't even keep up. He feeds himself puffs and scrambled egg yolk and little bits of all sorts of stuff. He goes up stairs, pulls himself to kneeling and sometimes standing, imitates us eating, grinds his teeth (?!), feeds the dogs his food... he is even growing some hair! Dark brown, for the curious. He just seems very grown up lately. More toddler than baby and I am somehow SHOCKED that this is happening. Like I never quite believed he would ever grow up. Now if only he would grow into a longer sleeping pattern... (the good night of sleep was apparently a one-time fluke, but hey I will take any good nights I can get). I am fascinated watching him change to quickly right before my eyes. And, of course, I still think he is the sweetest and cutest boy with the best disposition of any baby ever born. I even got stopped at Trader Joe's by some lady that was in awe of his perfectly round head. I think that is proof that I lucked out in the baby department. *shameless adoring smile*
In condo news, we had our fourth open house yesterday. Our agent is now afraid our condo is getting "stale" and is suggesting a large reduction in price if it doesn't sell soon. "Soon" like within a few days. And our downstairs neighbor is listing his place any day, which will really hurt our chances of selling at a decent price. We can't lower the price because we would be taking a huge hit and wouldn't have much money to put down on another house. It is already hard enough to qualify for a mortgage the size we need, so less money down will basically take us out of the game. We will have to figure out other options like moving back in or renting it out. Renting it out wouldn't cover our expenses and then we would have to find a place to rent that allows babies and pit bulls... Haha yeah right. What a bunch of crappy news. Our agent has two showings scheduled for today and one of them really, really needs to bring an offer. I mean reeeeally.
Just so I don't end this post abruptly, hunt out a dozen donuts and a bottle of wine to drown my sorrows in, let's focus on my favorite subject... The Roo. He seems to have entered a warp speed developmental spurt - I can't even keep up. He feeds himself puffs and scrambled egg yolk and little bits of all sorts of stuff. He goes up stairs, pulls himself to kneeling and sometimes standing, imitates us eating, grinds his teeth (?!), feeds the dogs his food... he is even growing some hair! Dark brown, for the curious. He just seems very grown up lately. More toddler than baby and I am somehow SHOCKED that this is happening. Like I never quite believed he would ever grow up. Now if only he would grow into a longer sleeping pattern... (the good night of sleep was apparently a one-time fluke, but hey I will take any good nights I can get). I am fascinated watching him change to quickly right before my eyes. And, of course, I still think he is the sweetest and cutest boy with the best disposition of any baby ever born. I even got stopped at Trader Joe's by some lady that was in awe of his perfectly round head. I think that is proof that I lucked out in the baby department. *shameless adoring smile*
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Could It BE?!
I can't even believe I am typing this...
He slept from 10:30 to almost 6:00. I didn't even have to look at the clock when he woke up - I knew. Something felt so different... I felt so... RESTED.
Happy day, happy day, happy day!
THEN after I fed him he went back to sleep. What?! I tried to join him for a catnap, but my body wouldn't cooperate. It was wide awake. Ready to jump up and down and maybe even run a marathon. I could really get used to this. Bring it on, Thursday, I am ready for you!
He slept from 10:30 to almost 6:00. I didn't even have to look at the clock when he woke up - I knew. Something felt so different... I felt so... RESTED.
Happy day, happy day, happy day!
THEN after I fed him he went back to sleep. What?! I tried to join him for a catnap, but my body wouldn't cooperate. It was wide awake. Ready to jump up and down and maybe even run a marathon. I could really get used to this. Bring it on, Thursday, I am ready for you!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Me Again
Look at me just blogging away like old times...
I was almost giddy from excitement this weekend and I couldn't quite put my finger on why until I realized:
a) We didn't have any big plans, monster renovations, weddings to be in, moving to do, etc. We had dinner with friends, went to Basi's soccer game, had lunch with Lisa and Drew's family, Ray washed the car, we went to open houses...
b) Our roommates were out of town for the weekend meaning I could relax a little (i.e. not do dishes every 2 hours and clean up after Roscoe continually and wonder if I could help by making dinner or if the laundry is bothering someone). I am just so worried about wearing out our welcome before we have anywhere to go.
c) We spent some time in our new town and are getting excited to start settling in there as soon as we can unload this other house of ours and then find a house there.
d) I got to hang out with my boys, which is basically my favorite thing to do.
e) Oh, and now that Ray is Roscoe's favorite-by-far Ray spent lots of playtime entertaining him while I curled up with a magazine and mug of coffee. Bliss!
p.s. Another 30 people came through our open house. That means about 100 total now. Some twice. Our agent sent off another copy of the disclosures to someone last night. Any day now it is going to happen...
I was almost giddy from excitement this weekend and I couldn't quite put my finger on why until I realized:
a) We didn't have any big plans, monster renovations, weddings to be in, moving to do, etc. We had dinner with friends, went to Basi's soccer game, had lunch with Lisa and Drew's family, Ray washed the car, we went to open houses...
b) Our roommates were out of town for the weekend meaning I could relax a little (i.e. not do dishes every 2 hours and clean up after Roscoe continually and wonder if I could help by making dinner or if the laundry is bothering someone). I am just so worried about wearing out our welcome before we have anywhere to go.
c) We spent some time in our new town and are getting excited to start settling in there as soon as we can unload this other house of ours and then find a house there.
d) I got to hang out with my boys, which is basically my favorite thing to do.
e) Oh, and now that Ray is Roscoe's favorite-by-far Ray spent lots of playtime entertaining him while I curled up with a magazine and mug of coffee. Bliss!
p.s. Another 30 people came through our open house. That means about 100 total now. Some twice. Our agent sent off another copy of the disclosures to someone last night. Any day now it is going to happen...
Basi and friends expending lots of energy:
Diwa and her favorite accessory: her helmet:
The cousins having deep conversations:
Diwa sitting on a soccer ball with her helmet on and Roscoe posing. There sure is a lot of personality in this family:
First cousin lunch:
Roscoe "tinkering" with Daddy outside (and gnawing on a golf ball):
Daddy teaching Roscoe all about long boards:
The Beast. We have a similar picture of Uncie and "Ray Boy" when he was little with the same car... If Ray has his way The Beast will join us in our new garage and he can tinker away restoring it:
Friday, October 1, 2010
Start Those Prayers, Please. Okay, GO.
Our real estate agent continually pointed to his goal of being in contract on our house by October 1. I kept thinking that would be amazing, but isn't it a bit overly optimistic? He was so darn confident, though, and then I thought surely he wouldn't get our hopes up if he wasn't pretty sure, right? HA. Unfortunately my hopes sneaked up without me even noticing it and now as October 1 passes I find myself frustrated and disheartened with flashes of desperation.
It isn't that I don't like my in-laws because I do. That is exactly it, though. I want to STILL like them (and them to like me) when we move out and it is hard to continue to get along when they aren't used to sharing their house with a baby and 2 dogs and 2 adults. And we aren't used to living in one bedroom with said baby and dogs. I am starting to feel the internal pressure rising and threatening to burst. It is just too much for my homebody, Cancer self to not have a nest. I need a cocoon, a little cave where I can puts and putter. I know this was the best decision for our family, but I am wondering how long this will be the best decision for me and my mental health. Just saying.
Roscoe sure makes sacrifices easier to handle with his cute self. He likes almost everything: chewing books, flipping pages, sucking on pickes, drinking water from a cup, drinking tub water from a toy cup, playing peekaboo with Ray, any attention at all from Ray, feeding us with his spoons, being outdoors, climbing stairs... Just about the only thing he doesn't like is sitting still. That can make changing a diaper, feeding him and dressing him a challenge. He also seems to have a resistance to sleeping normal stretches of time. Details, details. Thankfully he has stopped waking up every hour through the night, which I think was due to the dreaded teething. Since we moved here one month ago, he has gotten six teeth. Yes, you read that right, six. And the other good news we have is that since our nanny is moving to Brazil in a few weeks, Grandma Bird is coming out for a week to watch Roscoe and help a girl out. We sure did luck out in the grandparent department for Roscoe.
Here are some photos for those lovely grandfolks:
Roscoe hamming it up for me while I have the camera in my hand:
Ray was in a wedding last weekend (and by far the most handsome, of course):
The Pose! I got it!
And resting...
Still resting...
And The Pose again!
It isn't that I don't like my in-laws because I do. That is exactly it, though. I want to STILL like them (and them to like me) when we move out and it is hard to continue to get along when they aren't used to sharing their house with a baby and 2 dogs and 2 adults. And we aren't used to living in one bedroom with said baby and dogs. I am starting to feel the internal pressure rising and threatening to burst. It is just too much for my homebody, Cancer self to not have a nest. I need a cocoon, a little cave where I can puts and putter. I know this was the best decision for our family, but I am wondering how long this will be the best decision for me and my mental health. Just saying.
Roscoe sure makes sacrifices easier to handle with his cute self. He likes almost everything: chewing books, flipping pages, sucking on pickes, drinking water from a cup, drinking tub water from a toy cup, playing peekaboo with Ray, any attention at all from Ray, feeding us with his spoons, being outdoors, climbing stairs... Just about the only thing he doesn't like is sitting still. That can make changing a diaper, feeding him and dressing him a challenge. He also seems to have a resistance to sleeping normal stretches of time. Details, details. Thankfully he has stopped waking up every hour through the night, which I think was due to the dreaded teething. Since we moved here one month ago, he has gotten six teeth. Yes, you read that right, six. And the other good news we have is that since our nanny is moving to Brazil in a few weeks, Grandma Bird is coming out for a week to watch Roscoe and help a girl out. We sure did luck out in the grandparent department for Roscoe.
Here are some photos for those lovely grandfolks:
I think Roscoe has outgrown his "infant/toddler" tub. Exhibit A, B and C:
Roscoe hamming it up for me while I have the camera in my hand:
Ray was in a wedding last weekend (and by far the most handsome, of course):
The newlyweds:
The Pose! I got it!
And resting...
Still resting...
And The Pose again!
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