Friday, October 1, 2010

Start Those Prayers, Please. Okay, GO.

Our real estate agent continually pointed to his goal of being in contract on our house by October 1.  I kept thinking that would be amazing, but isn't it a bit overly optimistic?  He was so darn confident, though, and then I thought surely he wouldn't get our hopes up if he wasn't pretty sure, right?  HA.  Unfortunately my hopes sneaked up without me even noticing it and now as October 1 passes I find myself frustrated and disheartened with flashes of desperation.

It isn't that I don't like my in-laws because I do.  That is exactly it, though.  I want to STILL like them (and them to like me) when we move out and it is hard to continue to get along when they aren't used to sharing their house with a baby and 2 dogs and 2 adults.  And we aren't used to living in one bedroom with said baby and dogs.  I am starting to feel the internal pressure rising and threatening to burst.  It is just too much for my homebody, Cancer self to not have a nest.  I need a cocoon, a little cave where I can puts and putter.  I know this was the best decision for our family, but I am wondering how long this will be the best decision for me and my mental health.  Just saying.

Roscoe sure makes sacrifices easier to handle with his cute self.  He likes almost everything: chewing books, flipping pages, sucking on pickes, drinking water from a cup, drinking tub water from a toy cup, playing peekaboo with Ray, any attention at all from Ray, feeding us with his spoons, being outdoors, climbing stairs...  Just about the only thing he doesn't like is sitting still.  That can make changing a diaper, feeding him and dressing him a challenge.  He also seems to have a resistance to sleeping normal stretches of time.  Details, details.  Thankfully he has stopped waking up every hour through the night, which I think was due to the dreaded teething.  Since we moved here one month ago, he has gotten six teeth.  Yes, you read that right, six.  And the other good news we have is that since our nanny is moving to Brazil in a few weeks, Grandma Bird is coming out for a week to watch Roscoe and help a girl out.  We sure did luck out in the grandparent department for Roscoe.

Here are some photos for those lovely grandfolks:

I think Roscoe has outgrown his "infant/toddler" tub.  Exhibit A, B and C:

Roscoe hamming it up for me while I have the camera in my hand:

Ray was in a wedding last weekend (and by far the most handsome, of course):
The newlyweds:

The Pose!  I got it!
 And resting...
 Still resting...
 And The Pose again!

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