Sunday, November 28, 2010


Of course I am grateful for my wonderful family (both sides) and all of my lovely friends and a roof over my head and a job and all those things. A LOT grateful. But Thanksgiving got me thinking of some of the extra bits making life extra sweet these days:

***Roscoe is sleeping 3 (sometimes more!!) hours in a row.  And not just for a day.  FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT. Oh. Em. Gee.

***Coming home to a home cooked meal a lot of nights. Ribs, crab, stews, curries, pastas, steaks, arroz caldo, tilapia, burgers, salmon, adobo, you-name-it. My in-laws can cook!

***A real kitchen. I am finding that I really enjoy cooking myself these days. I think having a real kitchen for the first time in... ever?...has made a big difference. No more bitty studio kitchens or whatever you call that kitchen we just renovated with a whole 1 square foot of counter space+mice+massive wall holes. Plus, cooking for 5 sure beats cooking for one and eating it for a week straight.

***My (local) girlfriends. I have amazing girlfriends I have had for a very long time. But... they are all so far away. I have lived in San Francisco now for 7.5 years and I finally have a local group of girls I adore and can't get enough of (Bea, Chida and Katrina: I love you!) plus other pockets of friends that make life so much sweeter and make my belly ache from laughing (Maria, that's you).

***Looking forward to our Christmas trip. Sure holiday traveling is chaotic and expensive and I am sure we'll need some recovery time when we return. But I am so thankful that we get to go. I miss My People and I miss spending special days with them. Between Roscoe's first birthday, Christmas and meeting new babies (Brody, Hadleigh, Luka) there are many special days to be had this trip. The love I feel for my family and friends I will see there would only be trivialized by trying to describe it.  Suffice to say I can't wait!  

***Hand-me-downs. We have won the hand-me-down lottery with Roo. Starting with the 100 lbs or more of baby clothes Mitchel and Heather lent us and then some from Basi and then my coworker's twin boys who are a year older than Roo... I know we are lucky!

***My Boo.  Specifically the fact that even through the past year of complete chaos (colicky baby, complete home renovation, living with his parents, almost nonexistent sleep...) I actually still like him and we still laugh (most days, that is).  This may seem a small thing, but I can assure you that I didn't always WANT to like him, but he weaseled his way in.  There is no one else I would rather be on this roller coaster with.  

Alright, then.  Enough of this sap.  The big news here is that Roscoe is starting to stand on his own.  Like an aging, drunk man all tipsy and wobbly with his half-bald head, but we are ridiculously proud of every effort and terrified of what this new skill will bring.

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