Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Guess He Likes Kiwis...

Tuesday is shopping day for me.  And not just anytime on Tuesday, but the sliver of time between the 1st and 2nd nap.  As soon as I hear little squawks from the crib it is a mad dash to change him, feed him lunch, hit the stores and (if I'm lucky) unload the groceries before I get him back to bed.  Roscoe loves the grocery store.  He hangs out in the Beco making eyes at every old lady we pass.  They eat it up and coo at him; he eats it up and bats those eyelashes and does best impression of a shy and adorable angel baby.  It takes ages to get through the store, stopping to chat with everyone about how cute he is and prying his go-go-gadget-claws off everything within reach.  But I love it.  It is our bonding time and it is very rare my boy will hold still long enough to get a good snuggle in.  If I have to strap him in to get a cuddle, so be it.

I had to make two stops yesterday and in between stores I hear him shrieking with profound happiness.  I glance back to see what is going on that is so incredible and see that he has gotten a bag of tortilla chips from the grocery bag and is tossing it around and smashing the chips to bits (Karen's dream come true as she only allows herself the bits...)  THEN, he discovers the kiwis.  Four wonderful, ripe little kiwis in a bag.  To my horror, he manages to "eat" two of the kiwis.  Through the bag.  With his sharp little fangs (the same ones he likes to bite us with).  I managed to salvage portions of the mangled kiwis for his dessert and he gobbled them up quite happily.  I think we have a new favorite fruit around here (sorry NANANANAS (i.e. bananas))

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