Wednesday, June 8, 2011

All About Roo

My brain is not functioning well enough to think of words, but I have lots of photos to share!

Roscoe's favorite place to wait for DadAAA:

Babysitting Cousin Diwa:

Not feeling very well (the only time we get a good snuggle in!):

Before and After.  What happens when you use your food bowl as a hat while it still has food in it:

Yes, that's right folks.  He has enough hair to get bedhead even.  This is a big step:

Rediscovering his toys that have been in storage for almost a year:

And the shoe obsession continues (wearing one pair of Daddy's shoes while pushing another pair in his stroller):

His buddy Jack (his babysitter's son who is 7 months younger than him):

Waking up refreshed at the sitter's (I LOVE that she sends me pictures!):

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