Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Summer is officially (and finally) here in the Bay Area.  The last couple of weeks have been warm and sunny with chirping birds and packed weekends - all signs that summer is in full swing.  Our summer festivities have included the county fair, dinner at a food truck gathering down the street, lots of walks and park visits, raking, Father-Son bike rides (Roscoe's favorite - and quite possibly Ray's, too!), swimming, camping, a quick visit from Uncle Joel and Aunt Karen (hooray!), Hog Island Oyster Farm, Father's Day picture frame making and Roo's discovery of the joys of a sandbox.

One of Roscoe's favorite summer activities is to "water" the lawn with the garden hose, complete with a "SSSHHHH" sound effect in place of actual water.  The other day he really put two-and-two together when he was running around diaperless between changes and we heard him going "SSSHHH" while peeing on the floor.  He reacted with a mix of awe and pride at his talent while Ray and I did everything in our power not to die laughing.  He will also now grab the nearest towel / piece of clothing / blanket and start mopping up his own pee.  Very helpful indeed.

He is such a big boy these days.  I just love watching him grow and learn and wish I could capture every single moment in my memory so I never forget this special time.

Waiting for daDA:

He can put on his own Crocs:

Painting a picture frame for Daddy for Father's Day:


Resting / Fake Sleeping:

 Swimming at Uncle Chris and Aunt Maria's:

Creative use for his new truck toy:

Playing Doctor to the stuffed horse at his pediatrician's office:

Playing with Daddy:

Watching a 4th of July parade:

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