Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hooray for Cousins!

Roscoe has a new cousin and we have a new nephew to love on!  Joel and Karen welcomed their third son on Saturday and I have to say he is a cute newborn (no auntie bias, of course).  Check him out:

Winston Leo

Lots of love (and wishes for sleep) to the newly expanded family! 

Friday, August 19, 2011

You Know You're a Pregnant Mama When...

Your night goes something like this:
...You wake up at 1:30am to your toddler screaming and roll yourself out of bed amidst groans and creaks to see what is wrong
...You try to comfort and rock said toddler (to no avail) and notice his pants are wet
...You wrestle him out of his pants and diaper and into a fresh set and wonder how you'll get up off the floor
...Just as you stand you realize your own pants are soaked through

This is when you ponder which one of three things might have happened:

1.  Your water broke at 26 weeks.  Scary.  No, terrifying.
2.  You just wet your pants and, in the process, peed on your son.  But is it even possible to pee yourself while you are (fairly) wide awake and not even notice?
3.  Your son just peed on you.  This is the hoped for scenario because it happens here and there and is no cause for alarm.  You wonder how he could be the culprit if your pants are wetter than his.

This motherhood (pregnancy included) thing is no joke.  

[For the record, Ray stumbled in with the desperation bottle and we were able to get him back to sleep (well, after 4 hours of trying that is).  I am assuming it was a bad tummy ache because nothing else appeared to be wrong and he woke up groggy, but seemed himself.]

[Also for the record, I did call my midwife and was grilled about various symptoms.  I have been instructed to take it easy and watch carefully for other signs of pre-term labor.  Baby is moving lots and I haven't wet myself yet today so things look promising.]

Some mysteries are never meant to be solved, I suppose...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chaos and Kudos to my Boo

Life has been a little bit chaotic the last few weeks.  There is the general work and home stuff that life entails, but there is also the whole Grandpa-having-another-stroke, Ray-starting-a-new-job, dogs-getting-fleas, nanny-moving-this-weekend-giving-us-3-days-notice stuff.  Thankfully, my Grandpa is one tough guy and has been working hard on his rehab.  The dogs have been poisoned and the fleas banished.  We have been interviewing new nannies and have decided on one we are excited about (just have to figure out what we're going to do the next few weeks until she can start...).  And Ray has officially made the transition to his new job.  Instead of focusing 100% of his time on design work he is now expected to bring in work and do marketing for the firm.  I think it is a testament to how well respected he is that when he sent an email to his contacts telling them of his job transition the responses poured in immediately wanting to work with him at his new place and asking what kind of projects he was working on.  That's my man! 

Some photographic tidbits:

Craigslist, I *HEART* YOU! 
Boys and girls clothes ranging from 0-3T, including bibs, shoes, socks, snowpants, jackets, dress up clothes, even a sling... for $80 total.  YUP.

 May Day camping extravaganza (obviously I spent the weekend relaxing/chasing Roscoe since I only have 3 pictures total...):

Dada teaching Roscoe to ride the balance bike: