Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chaos and Kudos to my Boo

Life has been a little bit chaotic the last few weeks.  There is the general work and home stuff that life entails, but there is also the whole Grandpa-having-another-stroke, Ray-starting-a-new-job, dogs-getting-fleas, nanny-moving-this-weekend-giving-us-3-days-notice stuff.  Thankfully, my Grandpa is one tough guy and has been working hard on his rehab.  The dogs have been poisoned and the fleas banished.  We have been interviewing new nannies and have decided on one we are excited about (just have to figure out what we're going to do the next few weeks until she can start...).  And Ray has officially made the transition to his new job.  Instead of focusing 100% of his time on design work he is now expected to bring in work and do marketing for the firm.  I think it is a testament to how well respected he is that when he sent an email to his contacts telling them of his job transition the responses poured in immediately wanting to work with him at his new place and asking what kind of projects he was working on.  That's my man! 

Some photographic tidbits:

Craigslist, I *HEART* YOU! 
Boys and girls clothes ranging from 0-3T, including bibs, shoes, socks, snowpants, jackets, dress up clothes, even a sling... for $80 total.  YUP.

 May Day camping extravaganza (obviously I spent the weekend relaxing/chasing Roscoe since I only have 3 pictures total...):

Dada teaching Roscoe to ride the balance bike:

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