Our much anticipated trip to Chicago has come and (long) gone. With a new baby coming it will be more than a few months before we can visit our Chicagoland loved ones again, so it was a bittersweet trip. We arrived on Thursday evening after a fairly smooth travel experience. The airport was a stellar adventure for a boy in love with "a-panes." We have planes go over our house quite a bit and he loves to shout A-PANE! and then wave bye-bye as it flies off into the sunset. He, of course, didn't sleep a wink all day while at the airport and on the plane UNTIL just after we touched down on the tarmac in Chicago. Then he passed out in Ray's arms and slept a good half hour while we waited for our luggage. Thank God Ray was the one holding him because I could not have held 25 lbs for that long and the boy needed a little bit of sleep. Did I mention we got picked up with a car to use for the weekend (thanks, Dad) already equipped with an age appropriate car seat and a pack-n-play? (thanks, H&M) How spoiled are we?!
We had some good Grandpa bonding time at Fair Oaks Farm on Friday. Roscoe loved all of the cows (although he didn't appreciate the birthing barn much seeing that it required quiet and lack of movement - not his idea of a good time.) He loves pointing out cows in his books now and mooing for us to demonstrate his appreciation for all he learned that day. They had a big trampoline-like balloon thing and a choo-choo for Roscoe to ride and a bus tour of the farm and a yummy cheese-filled cafe to lunch in. The choo-choo stole the show for Roscoe and he rode the train repeatedly. Adults weren't allowed and there were no other kids on the ride so we thought he might be a little wary of riding all by himself - the train even goes out of view behind trees and all. Yeah... we were completely wrong. Roscoe just sat there like a little angel waving bye-bye to us and blowing us kisses as he disappeared from view. Over. And over. And over again. I guess our little bear is growing up.

Waving to Grandpa as he passed:
Too bad we don't have a train in our backyard - that was pretty relaxing for me!
Driving his first tractor (with a little help from Dada reaching the gas pedal):
We also managed to have the ultimate bubble bath adventure at Grandpa's house. Amateur Mama is used to her measly normal size bath and tossed in some bubbles just like at home... well, a few minutes with the jacuzzi jets on and those bubbles were over Roscoe's head. He does love himself a bubble bath, but he was not sure about the volume for awhile. Soon he decided he was safe and proceeded to throw bubbles all over the walls and the rest of the bathroom while shrieking his delight. That's our boy.

Saturday we went to Mitchel and Heather's new spot to check it out and let the cousins have at it. We went to the fair down the street (those were some yummy corn dogs!), but spent most of the day just letting the kids roam free and letting Roscoe try out every single toy they have accumulated over the years. Thankfully those kids are so generous and greeted Roscoe with cheers and proceeded to bring him all of their favorite toys to play with. You can imagine he was in heaven. Sleep and Roscoe do not always go well together, but they wore him out so well that when I went to put him down for a nap he pointed to the strange pack-n-play in a strange room, said "bed" and promptly curled up and fell asleep. Once I recovered from the shock I decided to think of that every time things got rough bringing a new sibling around. Little kids can wear each other out. Kids do say the darndest things and that weekend was no exception. Troy greeted me at the door with an enthusiastic "it DOES look like a watermelon!" (let's hope he was referring to my belly). Aubrynn and Roscoe went for a spin in the Barbie Jeep and she told Roscoe "I'll drive and you turn on the radio." Then Kyle, exasperated with Uncle Ray-Ray's teasing told me "I don't know how you live with this man!" Some days, Kyle, I don't know either! :)
The kids weren't the only ones playing with toys:
The cousins riding off into the sunset:
Off-road rescue (must have learned this trick from Dada):
Forgetting rule #1 of car riding: do not exit car while moving by climbing over the driver:
Oma (dubbed Ahmoo by Roscoe) finally getting her hands on her west coast grandson (and teaching him to play Ready-Set-Go):
I have no idea, but they seem to be on the same page:
Sunday morning we headed to Traci and Tom's to meet the adorable Ryder and let the boys bond (both big and little boys):
We also managed to squeeze in visits with Nicolette, Antonietta, Frank, Gino, Marco, Luca, Jesse, Laura, Tessa and Hadleigh, but (big FAIL) did not get any photos! Ant and Laura and families met us downtown Naperville for lots of walking, talking, playground playing, kid chasing (mostly by the dads as the mamas caught up) and ending with Lou Malnoti's. Ray again insisted he was going to have Lou's delivered to us in CA and he probably wouldn't tell me so he didn't have to share. And, for the record, Tessa's innocent-turned-demon laugh will never be forgotten. Such a sweet little face and such a mischievous laugh!
Roscoe also got his Very First Haircut thanks to Ahmoo. She barely cut any off and yet it still made him look like such a big boy. Notice Ahmoo is wearing the lovely plastic bracelet Roscoe insisted she wear at all times when he was with her that weekend:
The cousins had so much fun on Saturday together that we could not resist inviting ourselves over one last time for another Cousin Chaos Fest.
Greeting Big Girl Kyle as she got off the bus:
Check out that backpack!
Bumper cars:
Roscoe in his Nemo speedos:
Let's just say the trip home was a little rougher complete with exasperated comments from annoyed passengers (directed toward us) and other moms from faraway rows taking pity on us and passing toys that might calm our wailing child. We were That Family. It was absolutely worth it, but I am still glad we will not be getting on a plane again anytime soon. Let's just stick to the "a-pane bye-byes" in the backyard.
I miss you all already.
What. A. Trip.