Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy 1 Month, Luka!

I can't believe it's been a MONTH already.  I can't believe it's ONLY been a month.  I can't believe I have a daughter.  It is all so life changing and yet the change was so subtle as she just tucked into our family like she'd always been here.  It has been an exciting month with the birthdays and Christmas and Uncle Mitch's accident and all.  Here are some other little family tidbits from the past few weeks:

* Roscoe has definitely acted out more for our attention, but has shown nothing but love to Luka.  He loves to "carry" her and give her kisses and tell her he loves her.

* At her 1 month appointment with Dr. Donna, Luka is still holding steady in the 80th percentile.  She is perfectly healthy and now tips the scales at over 10 pounds.  She even got her first acupuncture treatment (Dr. Donna is also a licensed acupuncturist) for her gassy belly, which makes her so restless and fussy and prevents her (and us) from sleeping.

* Roscoe knocked out Basi's front tooth (disclaimer: it was already loose) playing "a little too rough" (i.e. normal for Roscoe).

* I rang in the new year changing Luka's poopie diaper - I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 11:59pm as I started.  Welcome to 2012!

* Roscoe has taken up a new, er, hobby... extreme nose picking.  Not only has he been known to double finger pick during storytime at the library, he also digs for blood.  The other day when I went to get him from his nap he had leaked through his diaper and his sheets were soaked and his face was covered in dried blood (not the only time this has happened) and I did have the fleeting thought - is this really normal?!  Well, it is for him.  He also used his new toy screwdriver to pick his nose and then played with the blood drips on the tile.

* I have discovered The Most Annoying Sound in the World: someone else snoring while your over-tired self lies awake.  The other night Ray was snoring so loud that I was practically shouting his name to wake him (and looking for something to throw at him).  When he finally woke up he sleep-talked two things: "It wasn't me" and "I wasn't even sleeping."  He is lucky I had Luka in my arms or he would have woken up with a black eye.  After he had made me coffee the next morning we had a rolling good laugh about it.  

* Luka is a champion hiccuper.  If such a thing as a hiccuping contest existing, I think she would have a good shot at winning.  She hiccups often and they are huge - her whole body jerks and shakes.  She accepts them for a few minutes and then starts to cry in protest and I can't say I blame her.

* Roscoe has developed a Robot Accent in his speech.  Especially with commands.  HOLD IT.  EAT IT.  CATCH IT.  One day, as the words "Small Wonder" popped into my head, Ray said "remember that TV show where the girl was a robot..."  Yeah, that is our son.  (And, seriously, what a creepy premise for a show!)

* Luka is smiling more often these days.  When her belly is full and her butt is clean, she loves to give a sweet and lazy smile.  Baby smiles really do have magic powers.

* Speaking of, Roscoe has learned the magic power of batteries.  I believe this happened when he got the Red Car for his birthday and the batteries made it run.  Since then he has wondered (aloud) what else batteries might help.  When the water hose doesn't squirt water when he presses the button - batteries?  When he tries to blow up a balloon to no avail - batteries?  You get the idea.  Love seeing the wheels turning in his mind and the connections he makes.    

A month left before I go back to work and I am soaking up the days...

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