Thursday, May 24, 2012

Work = Fun

So, I freaked out when I first started my job and I'm not going to lie - the learning curve is steep.  Three weeks in now, I can appreciate some of the things I really enjoy about the new gig.  What you focus on is what you give power to, so I am focusing on the good and remembering that the learning curve stage doesn't last forever.

Things I like about my new job:

* Working hard and facing challenges in an intellectually stimulating environment is not as draining (for me, at least) as working less hours in a stagnant environment where my role is needed, but resented.

* The commute could be considered brutal (an hour an a half each way - car, train, walk), but I love that three days a week I get an hour to myself to read anything I choose (how many moms can say that?!) and a 2.5 mile power walk.

* My boss has told me "great job" three times (not that I'm counting...ahem).  Compared to the, well, zero times my last boss told me in the four years I worked for her.  I didn't realize what a difference that would make for my morale.

* The senior managers here are smart and professional and committed to improvement and efficiency and all of the things I also value at work.

* I am learning a lot.

Note to self: turn self-chatter off for at least 3 weeks when starting something new.  Then evaluate.

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