4 or so years ago our friend Stephen organized a group camping trip for his birthday weekend in May. It was such a hit that it has become an annual "May Day" tradition, though it is almost never in May anymore. To call it camping is almost inaccurate because we lug in coolers and grills and lots and lots of food (last year we made pancakes - not your typical camping food!) Every year promises lots of relaxing, food and memories made. Here are some pics from last year:

Tonight we leave for a weekend of fun and this year promises to be a different adventure altogether. It has been a busy summer this year and I have not gone camping yet. Now I am at the point where I can't even sleep comfortably in my own bed, so sleeping on the ground ON MY SIDE (the worst way to sleep on the ground) made me think for a minute... This is how we used to camp (in a 3-man backpacking tent with the 2 of us and the 2 dogs all cuddled up):

This year we borrowed a 5-man tent from Lisa and Drew and we are bringing an air mattress, real pillows, prenatal vitamins, orange juice and soda water ("pregnancy mimosas") and the address of the closest hospital. I think our days of simple camping are done. At least for many, many years. Kind of sad, but kind of fun to think that Baby Halo's next camping trip will be out of the belly!
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