Friday, August 21, 2009

Tessa Marie & Parker Glenn

I realize this blog is becoming somewhat baby focused, but tis the time of our lives. And babies are just so exciting and cute!

I am happy to announce the arrival of 2 more little ones for us to love:

Laura & Jesse had a baby girl named
Tessa Marie on Sunday, August 9!

(some photos stolen from Jesse's Facebook)

Traci & Tom & big brother Jackson welcomed
Parker Glenn on Thursday, August 13!

(I only had one photo on my phone and it got deleted *sad face*)

I am so excited that my closest friends and I will have kids so close in age. I only wish we lived closer together, but we will always make an effort to be a part of their lives and make memories with our kids. Congrats to the new parents and many wishes for sleep-filled nights!

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