Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Pups: A Day in the Life

I waited for ages for the bus yesterday so I passed some time looking through the photos on my phone. I have all of these photos of the pups that make me smile. They are so nutty and I just love them. Indulge me... :)

What happens when you leave the dogs in the car and run errands:

Mela will find any comfy spot and make herself at home:
As I said... even the laptop case qualifies I guess:
Ikaika falling off the couch (but still got his pillow):
Mela scratching her belly:
Mela helping with laundry:

The pups helping Ray work:

Must have been a rough day:
Naptime for all:

Mela the pillow hog:Ikaika making room for himself (under my desk as I work):

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