Friday, October 16, 2009

Just a Normal Weekend...

It is such a relief after 2 months of travel and weddings and packed weekends to have one relatively normal one to look forward to. This weekend we are attending a Care of Mother & Child class through our birth center, going to pick out and order a chair for the baby's room, going to the bank to (finally!) change my name on my accounts and consolidate our bank accounts and going to a play at Intersection - one of my art space clients. Oh, and probably going to pick out tile for the kitchen (my home reno moratorium didn't last very long).

A glimpse into the monotony these days: I have been sick - cold or flu, I guess. Not ridiculously sick, but when you are 31+ weeks pregnant and already not sleeping or breathing easy, adding a stuffy nose and achiness and sore throat and nausea and all of that can really take a lot out of you. I am hanging on and trying to take it easier than normal so this can pass quickly. Ray has been very busy at work for the last month or so - lots of deadlines and lots of working late. On a more fun note, he is also getting a new rear bumper for Fiona (the FJ), which he has been looking forward to for quite awhile (and saving his fun money for!) :) Ikaika has been a pain in the butt throwing up and peeing and pooing all over. I don't know if he is some kind of sick or in a wretched state because one of the neighborhood bitches is in heat... either way, we are both very very very sick of cleaning up after him. (And some first time parents dread diaper changes... I think we won't be fazed!) Mela is the same ever-hungry chunky monkey cuddlebug as always.

Our families have been having some big changes lately, too.

Basi had his first day of Kindergarten: and Joel & Karen bought (and moved) into a new house: Congrats all around!

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