Tuesday, December 15, 2009

279 days down, 1 to go... (give or take)

When I first announced on my blog that we had a baby on the way, I had 215 days to go... and now I am due tomorrow and wondering how many "bonus" days I will get of this pregnancy. Traci told me to think of it like I finished the race and now I am doing my victory lap. :)

Since this very well might be the last pregnancy update (for this one at least), I thought I would tell you guys what has been going on. Here is the news in a nutshell:

- Baby is still head down and very low - perfect position

- I am still going to the chiropractor every week, which has helped a lot with my hip and tailbone pain. I also have 2 pinched nerves (one in right hip, one in right arm) and going to the chiro keeps that pain (mostly) manageable, so I really look forward to my appointments.

- I have been having cramping, back pain and contractions for over a week. I don't love this, but I don't hate it either if it is "productive." But we don't really know for sure what is going on so I am choosing to think that all of the "preparing" for the labor will make the real deal go more smoothly.

- Everything is as ready as it is going to be. Baby's room done. Bags packed. Books read. Laundry done. House cleaned (more or less...). Presents bought, wrapped, shipped. Work done. We are just trying to enjoy every last moment of our twosome (or foursome if you count the pups) and eat out, watch movies, putz around on our projects, etc.

Basically, we are ready. And we would be happy if the baby came tomorrow (or tonight if he so chooses), but mostly I want him to be healthy and ready himself, so I am exercising what little patience I have and letting him get the party started when it suits him. Even if he decides to be born on Christmas day (I am telling you, kid, you will regret it later).

Thank you all for your support and encouragement when I needed it. I can't wait to share the good news with you all when I have some!! :)

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