Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A few words and a few pics

Busy, busy, busy.  Life is speeding along these days and I am mostly just trying to hang on and not drop any of the balls I am juggling.  But before another day slips away I wanted to check in and send ya'll some pictures.

I took this one because I don't want to forget how cute Roscoe looks sleeping in his bassinet.  He still likes to be swaddled to sleep (especially now that he pulls his pacifier out ALL the time on accident, wakes himself up and then cries while swinging it around in his hand...)  It looks like he wiggled about half his body out this time, little Houdini.

Ray's parents recently got back from Egypt and they brought Roscoe some traditional Egyptian gear.  Here he is modeling the littlest gallibaya (I think that is what it is called...)
Last weekend was Ray's thirtieth birthday and we had a lovely, but fairly low-key celebration.  We met some friends and family for lunch at Primo Patio, a Caribbean restaurant with all outdoor seating.  It is one of our favorite spots and has some uber-tasty jerk chicken with special "Primo" sauce...num, num, num...  
The weather was sunny and beautiful, so after lunch we strolled along the Embarcadero (by the bay) to our friend's boat and just hung out on the docked boat, swaying in the sun.  Lovely.  As you can see from the picture, the birthday boy was put to work carrying both Roscoe and Basi.  No such thing as a free lunch, not even for your birthday, Boo!

Sometimes while I work from home I set Roscoe up next to me with his Boppy "desk" and his toys and let him "work" next to me.  Here he is working hard, eating his beloved vegetables.  

One of my big work deadlines should be wrapped up soon.  Roscoe has his four month check up and more shots coming this weekend.  It is now 8:37pm and Ray is at his second job covering for his dad while he is in the Philippines.  Roscoe is having a hard time getting to sleep, so I think I might as well call it a night and join him in the room instead of walking back and forth 658 times to calm him.  Good night, everyone.  Much love from the SF nest!

1 comment:

Bea Dominguez said...

Karisa, I love Roscoe in his Egyptian outfit! so cute :)