Roscoe is getting to be such a big boy. He is sleeping better at night (for a few nights he was only awake every 3-4 hours... last night not so much, but hopefully he gets back on track tonight - I can totally handle that). He is getting better about sleeping in general and even spent the first shift of last night in his crib in his room (versus his bassinet in our room). He has also started rolling over from tummy to back, although I don't think he realizes yet that he is doing it himself and it is not "being done" to him. He always looks shocked and a little perplexed. I am not in a hurry for the rolling because then he will start crawling and then walking and it is going so fast (where was this warp speed the first month or two?!)
He has also taken early retirement from his first job(s) and has committed to a life of leisure for at least a few years. Everyone at work (or at least the vocal ones...) was sad to see him go, but none more sad than his mama. Here is a picture of him with some of his colleagues at one of my jobs (don't mind the fuzziness of the photo, the memory is still precious - the two beautiful ladies in the middle have become two of my dearest friends).
Yesterday was his first day with Liz, his nanny, and Elisa, his new best friend. It was hard leaving him, but I tried not to focus on it too much and just get that first day done with. I really do like her and I think we made the right choice. I hung out for an hour when I dropped him off in the morning and it was nice chatting with Liz and watching Roscoe and Elisa. It is so interesting to me how different they are and they are only 2 weeks apart. Roscoe is smaller, but solid ("dense" is the consensus) and all about standing, wiggling and babbling away. Elisa is longer and leaner and seems more mature somehow. She is more delicate and has no interest in standing or rolling, but her hand-eye coordination impressed me and she does this thing where she lifts her legs all the way up that I have never seen Roscoe get close to doing. I know all kids are different, but it was fun to see them show their differences already. Liz said they did really well together, but they were interacting a lot in the afternoon and I think they distracted each other too much because they both skipped a nap! I am happy he has a friend and a lovely mama to take care of him while Ray and I bring home the bacon.
Speaking of... Ray got a promotion! The principal (boss man) called him into his office the other day to tell him that he was one of their best and they would like to promote him and give him a raise. Yay! Little did he know how close he was/is to losing Ray... This is making us reconsider his plan to quit in June and he might stay through the year now when he will get a bonus and be fully vested in his retirement funds. I am glad they are at least showing a bit of appreciation for Ray because he is amazing and they should show some love.
As for the rest of our lives... I am working 7 days a week trying to pull myself out of this work quicksand I fell into... the dogs are shaking and trying to sit on my lap because they are scared that it is raining outside... Roscoe is napping in his room... Roscoe's teething pain seems to have let up a bit... Ray ordered a new bumper for the 4Runner (and the customizations begin!)...and on Saturday Roscoe turns 4 months old and Ray turns THIRTY!
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1 comment:
Oh I miss Roscoe, he was the cutest intern we have ever had, but I am happy that at least I'm not missing the two of you :)
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