Monday, June 28, 2010

25 Random Things About Me

Back in February 2009 I got "tagged" to do this (a Facebook thing).  Someone just commented on it that I haven't seen in almost 20 years and they said they were not at all surprised by it.  So I re-read it and it made me laugh because I guess I really am more or less the same as when I was 11.  Thought you all might enjoy:

1. I have a fear of seaweed. So much that I hate swimming in lakes. Yuck.

2. I could eat the same thing every day for at least six months. If I like something, I don’t really get sick of it. I think this bodes well for Ray. :)

3. Our house and our car both totally smell like dog and we have accepted that this will always be the case. Other people hate it, but I think it is well worth it.

4. I have an obsession with Excel spreadsheets. I even do pro-forma financials and run what-if scenarios.

5. I am a lot shyer than people think. If I don’t know someone well, I will pretty much just sit there silently wondering what I should say. Once I cross that barrier though I can and will talk a LOT. 

6. I HATE talking on the phone. I don’t know why really, but I hate it. I try to get over it though because all of my family and most of my good friends live far away and I don’t want to lose touch.

7. When I first met Ray I thought his name was Brian. I was trying to figure out who he was without being obvious and (clearly) wasn’t doing a very good job.

8. If money and time was not an object, I would probably have tattoos all over my body. I feel like they are little pieces of artwork that illustrate your journey.

9. A (large) part of me wants to sell everything we own, quit our jobs and get a Sportsmobile Expedition Van and travel indefinitely.

10. I am fairly conflict averse, but some things make me really angry. Like drinking and driving. And the lady around the corner that screams at her children and makes them cry. 

11. I think I might be borderline OCD about some things. For example, I hate it when my arm hairs don’t all go in the right direction and I compulsively “fix” them. Ray likes to mess them up without me noticing and it REALLY annoys me.

12. I don’t like watching movies. I get very emotionally involved and so it is really draining for me. Plus, I have an overactive imagination so I will wake up in the middle of the night for weeks and replay the whole movie in my head. Very annoying.

13. It makes me happy to take showers so hot that it scalds my skin. Maybe because I am usually cold… but I love it.

14. When I first moved to SF I did not have a TV, internet, computer, microwave, car, friends… and I am so glad I didn’t.

15. I love my in-laws. 

16. I love the fact that I know most of the people on my block and my UPS guy Jose and Francisco that owns the taqueria around the corner and the guys that work at the corner market. It makes this feel like home.

17. It fills me with love when my dogs make strange gurgly noises, scratch their bellies, try to sleep on my head or sit on my lap (or laptop) while I am working. I love those beasts to pieces.

18. I hate name brand things – especially clothes. I would prefer nothing had a name on it. 

19. I miss my family and my girlfriends so much. 

20. Sometimes I feel more Filipina than Dutch.

21. I could spend hundreds of dollars a month on books. I get all warm and fuzzy walking through bookstores. 

22. The 2 things in my diet I would most hate to give up are coffee and wine – the bookends to my day. :)

23. I always hoped and never quite believed that I would meet someone so perfect for me as Ray. I still think everyday how grateful I am and almost cannot believe it is real. 

24. I wish I could spend more time drawing/painting, but I am too overly responsible and I cannot turn off the to-do list in my mind.

25. I get a lot of pleasure out of good food. Not good-expensive, but good-yummy.

The End.

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