So in a nutshell, here is what we have been up to:
- Last-last weekend (Memorial Day weekend) Ray had to pick up some car part from Santa Cruz so we made it a little family road trip. I love the drive down the coast and we took Roscoe to Our Spot (where Ray proposed and then where we went right before Roscoe was born). We got a family photo there as proof of how much has changed in the last few years... engaged, married, pregnant, baby...

- We gave Roscoe an avocado "milkshake" and he did not like it much. He had avocados a few times last week and only finished them once. And it was with Liz. Maybe she tried the TV trick, I have no idea, but he will not eat them with anyone else.
- We found out another one of our friends is pregnant (Jen from the gym). YAY!
- Sunday we took Roscoe to Carnaval, the latin parade/festival in our 'hood. It is quite the spectacle and he seemed thoroughly entertained.

- We got a new dryer that actually dries our clothes (yes, our basement is very much like a dungeon):

- We had some dear friends over for a BBQ yesterday and I made my favorite bread pudding from Tartine (Ray got me the cookbook) and it was yummilicious. I even made homemade caramel to sautee the strawberries and blueberries in for on top of the bread pudding... I was a little in awe that it actually turned out and was very happy to have friends to share it with (even if they teased me for being That Girl that has a cute little place in SF with her amazing husband and baby and just whips together a fab bread pudding for my artsy, hipster friends. It makes me laugh how other people see my life sometimes when I mostly see (smell) spit up and dog hair on everything and dust bunnies and legs that need a good shaving and all of those head-sized holes in the kitchen... It is good to be reminded how truly lucky I am to have the life I always wanted, spit up and all).
- After the BBQ our neighbor, Greg, and his girlfriend, Katrina (yes, ANOTHER one!) came over for some dessert and sangria and chatter.
- Yesterday morning we had fed Roscoe a bit of sweet potato (milkshake, of course) and he did not like it much (picky little thing already!). Good thing he only had a little because it seemed to cause a very bad reaction. Right as the BBQ friends were leaving he started crying and we couldn't quite figure out why and then I changed his diaper... think burnt/almost blistery red covering everything that the diaper covers... poor little monkey-boo. It has gotten better with lots of Calming Diaper Rash Cream and frequent changes, but still looks pretty raw.
- Last night I felt myself teetering on the edge of losing my mind as I started to mentally run through everything I need to get done before Tuesday night and wondering how it would be possible when I got another little nugget of news... wait for it...
Our nanny quit. She is moving to Mexico. And since Ray is taking the next couple of weeks off for paternity leave and she is leaving in a couple weeks today is his last day there. And we found out last night as I was getting ready for bed. And today is his last day. Yes, today. UGH. After all of the heartache of trying to find someone we were comfortable with and then leaving him before we had planned because we liked her and didn't want to lose her and doing the background checks and getting our groove down with the picking up and dropping off and Roscoe bonding with her... today is his last day. It lasted a whole whopping 7.5 weeks. So, now we are starting over. But when??? I honestly cannot do it before Colorado or I won't get my work done (big deal). Then we are gone for 6 days. Then I only have exactly 2 weeks to find someone new. Someone who I can trust with the most precious little person in the world to me. Double ugh.
But I can't hate her because I would do the same thing if I were in her place. They were struggling to make it in SF after she quit her job to stay with her daughter (we are basically her only source of income and it's only for 2 days a week). They have no family here to help them out with their baby. And he is a chef and got an offer to partner with an investor to open his own restaurant. Near family. Of course they should go. But I am sad that we have to start over and I am sad because Roscoe really does like her. When I dropped him off this morning he gave her a giant smile and my heart broke a little. Here are a couple photos of Liz and her adorable little girl Elisa... we'll miss them!
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