Friday, January 14, 2011


The days are flying by at warp speed, it seems.  January is a crazy time for me at work (not to mention we still don't have a babysitter...)  The only thing that gets me out of bed these days is the promise of my pseudo-rice-milk-watered-down-coffee and those handsome boys of mine.  This afternoon I decided not to work (and not to think about what I should be doing either).  Instead I am making Tikka Masala for dinner, blogging and paying bills.  Well, until the Rooster wakes up, at least.  :)

Where to begin?

* Roscoe is saying some words.  I thought our pediatrician was nuts when he asked me a few weeks if Roscoe was saying any words.  But then I started to pay more attention and Ray and I both noticed him saying Ikaika first.  Well, more like "KaaaGA" but the pointing and laughing at Ikaika gave it away.  He also says NANANANA (banana) and MAHMAHMAHMAH (more).  I use caps because he doesn't speak so much as yell.  I am sure he is talking more nonsense that we just haven't figured out how to decipher yet.  Maybe this week we can work on that enunciation...

* One of Roo's new favorite tricks is dancing.  This involves vigorous swaying back and forth (from the waist up) and laughing hysterically at self.  The first time I noticed this was when I was wearing him in the Beco at the grocery store and my cell phone rang.  He was LOVING the "seville" ringtone and went loopy.  He was laughing so hard and having so much fun I just stopped and cracked up.  And then everyone around us just stopped and started laughing.  What a HAM.

* Another highlight of my week (to Ray's dismay) is when Ray let Roscoe have nakey time before bed and he stood up next to the bed and peed squarely into Ray's work shoe leaving a puddle of piss in the heel.  I felt (a little) bad, but I was quite impressed with his aim.  Let's hope he aims as well into the toilet bowl someday.

* Roscoe also morphs frequently into a monkey and climbs everything in sight.  Step stools, ladders, the fireplace, stacked boxed, his toys, opens the dishwasher, climbs in and tries to empty it, onto the bed/chairs/couch/ottoman, shelving units, you name it.  I am losing track of how many bloody mouths he has gotten.  Sometimes I never even find where the blood is coming from.  I think I can safely blame him for every wrinkle I have to date.

* Our son is obsessed with good dental hygiene.  He has a baby toothbrush and we brush our teeth together. Sometimes we brush for (what feels like) hours and when I tell him "all done" he throws a tantrum.  He HATES having to stop brushing his teeth.  It's not like I put any toothpaste on his brush, so I don't quite understand the obsession.  He also obsessively flushes the toilet.  Interesting.

* Too bad he doesn't teach the dogs his new toothbrushing tricks because their breath is, ahem, a little "ripe" at times.  Roscoe should know because he now likes to sneak up on them and kiss them (open mouthed) and then screech at them and laugh hysterically.

* Ray's cousin Steph got Roscoe this cat keyboard karaoke thing for his birthday and Roscoe adores it.  He likes to turn it on and then "sing" into the microphone.  Now, there is this blanket stereotype of Filipino people that they can all sing and dance and every family has a karaoke set... I'm not saying it's always true, but he IS half Filipino... Just saying.

* We (finally) uploaded Ray's photos from our trip (check out his website for the full almost 300 pics...), but here are a few of my faves (and, yes, I shamelessly favor my son.)


Love it:

Monkey pile:

Stealing Ramon's breakfast:

His first White Birthday:

I think the cousins wore him out:

 Papa Top and his grandkids:

We've got this "multiplying" thing DOWN:

Proud mama:

  Trying to get a picture with Oma (I LOVE Ramon's face in this one!!):

Toy hog:

 Showing off his new ChooChoo from Lala:

And the boys at home in their new Raider gear watching the last game of the season:

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