Friday, January 28, 2011

This Week I'm...

Loving: That I am (finally) back in a good rhythm after baby/colic/renovations/moving.  I am eating well, working out, getting my home stuff done, getting my work stuff done (thanks in part to the new daycare).  I even made the doctor appointments I have been putting off for ages.  Making strides... 

Hating: That Mela keeps chewing things up: Roscoe's toys, Ray's parents things (ugh).  I know she is just acting out because they are sequestered in their doggy space all the time and they are used to being with people and sleeping in our room and generally being big spoiled babies, etc.  But C'MON Mela, you're killing me.  You even have a doggy door here.  LIVE IT UP.  

Craving: The pork chops with sweet onions and figs that I have simmering away in the slow cooker.  It is great that I get a head start on dinner; not so great that I want to eat said dinner for breakfast.

Reading: Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott (love her).

Hoping: That the current offer/counteroffer dance we are doing on our condo results in a sale at a stomach-able price.

Pondering: How to slow time or be more in the present or appreciate more every day or better record these times or all of the above.  Roscoe is already growing and changing so fast and I find myself forgetting what life was like and forgetting the little things he did even a few months ago.  And I don't want to forget.  I want to soak up every little thing and store all of the precious memories in little drawers in my mind to retrieve them at will.

Looking forward to: Tomorrow we are going to Hollister (off-roading) as a family.  Ray loves off-roading, I love road trips and Roscoe loves when all of us are together.  Sounds like a win-win all around.  Also, Ray's parents are going to the Philippines for a few weeks and we get to pretend that we are grown ups again and that we have a home and make all of our own meals and take out the garbage and all that stuff.  Might be good practice for if the sale goes through...

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