This week feels like another wave of happy, happy baby news. I found out on Sunday night that one of my good friends here in the Bay is expecting her first (YAY! still early so keeping it on the DL), then I talked to Laura and she is expecting her second (WOOHOO! she had Tessa four and a half months before Roscoe), then I talked to Antonietta who is pregnant with their third and due in September (HOORAY!) I love my friends and I love babies and I LOVE when my friends have babies.
I celebrated my first official Mother's Day last weekend (last year he was still in the belly, of course). I only wish Mother's Day was more often because it was a really lovely day and I could get used to it. :) Ray spoiled me all day and made me feel special and loved. He also got me a KINDLE *gasp*. As you may know, I am a read-aholic. I used to get in trouble as a kid for sneaking a flashlight and books into bed and reading till the wee hours. I LOVE bookstores and books and paper and pages and words. I have been trying to restrain myself from reading all day with my new toy (I have so much work to do right now!) but it is so hard. I already have 3 books downloaded (little presents begging to be unwrapped) and have a full wishlist of books flagged for future download. Much like 25 years ago, I was reading in bed last with a flashlight (Roo was sleeping in his bassinet) and I didn't even have to worry about waking him up turning pages. My favorite part is that it is so light and portable - no more lugging big books on Muni or 4 books on the plane to last me through a vacay. This is of utter importance now that Roscoe hogs all of the bag space.
Roscoe is eating well these days and has a few new tricks up his sleeve. He not only drools these days; he also spits. And he has developed a preference for spitting on your face as you hold him. He also spends hours a week watching the dogs with awe. As I write he is having a one-sided conversation with Ikaika and periodically spitting on him. Ikaika is sleeping and seemingly unaware of this lavish attention.
He also has a special friend on the bus. She is maybe 7 or 8 and when we ride the bus to Liz's she is on her way to school with her mom and older brother. She always tries to sit next to him and smiles and makes faces at him the whole ride. It is just too cute. And he was forever distracting my office mate at one of my jobs by staring at her all day and smiling and batting his eyelashes. Liz's nickname for him is Coqueto (spanish for Flirt), which is quite appropriate. He is certainly a charmer. Yet another trait he got from his Daddy. For the record here is a summary of who to blame so far:
Sleep Issues = Karisa
Charm & Friendliness = Ray
Contemplativeness (complete with furrowed brow) = Karisa
Sunny Disposition = Ray
Baldness = Karisa
Love of Physical Activity = Ray
Food Focus = Karisa
Mama's Boy-ness = Ray
Intensity = Karisa
General Gassiness = I won't name names, but it's not me... Ray might say it's the dogs...
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