Monday, May 17, 2010

Let Him Eat Cake! (or rice cereal...)

We have been thinking that Roscoe is ready for "solids" (in the loosest sense... there is nothing solid about this stuff!) and, boy, were we right.  I expected some faces, some confusion by the spoon-eating thing, some pushing of the food out with his tongue, etc.  What we got was a baby gobbling down every last "crumb" of his first meal and giving us that it's-about-time-people look.  Saying he loved it is an understatement.  He was leaning forward, flapping his arms and opening his mouth as soon as my spoon hit the rice cereal.  And then he waited, big eyes and big mouth, while the spoon made its way to his tongue.  He did chew on the spoon a bit - not sure if he thought that was part of the meal.

I actually feel bad that I am not giving him some today, but... we had a rough night last night (very little sleeping, lots of gassy crying out).  So I checked my Super Baby Food book and Googled like mad and I guess that sometimes the rice cereal can cause gassiness.  Especially because we gave him whole grain brown rice cereal, which is more difficult to digest.  Who knew that 1 teaspoon for 2 days would cause such drama?  Now I am wishing I just started with banana or avocado, but I don't want to start another new food so soon so he will have to do with regular old boring milk for the next few days.  We will try the cereal again later when his system is a little more mature.

Here are some pictures and a video of his first meal (notice him focusing so hard on the spoon that he is cross eyed...and the vultures hoping he drops something...):

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