Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This &%$# is Bananas! B - A - N - A - N - A - S!

It's official: our little boy just likes food. Period. The bananas we tried last weekend were another smash hit. He liked them so much, in fact, that when I was eating strawberries and bananas later he started grunting and yelling at me for not sharing. I had to go hide and finish because I felt so guilty!

Speaking of guilty... I had a BIG Bad Mommy Moment on Saturday. Roscoe fell out of his swing/cradle thing. Onto our hardwood floor. It is like a bucket so I am still not sure how he got out of it in the one minute he was in there (I went to the other room to grab his carrier), but he did. And I have replayed it one meeeellion times in my head. As I was hyperventilating and wondering if I should take him to the emergency to check for brain hemhorrage, he stopped crying and started laughing at me. I am so glad I gave him some good entertainment to make up for the trauma. He is fine; no bumps or bruises or red marks or anything, thankfully.

So, back to his banana milkshake...   

1 comment:

Katrina said...

you are a very good mama! no guilt for you. and these photos are *gorgeous*. please pat ray on the shoulder for this gorgeous camerawork. so lovely!