Friday, July 16, 2010


From Lauren at the little things we do....  If you want to play along with me, you can post your responses in the comments.  Rocket science, I know.

1.  A very nostalgic place that reminds me of being a kid is      Grandpa and Grandma Top's farm.  Climbing The Tree in the front.  Playing games on the lawn.  Camping in the side yard.  "Driving" the tractors.  Making slides and tunnels in the hay loft.  Taking walks after meals on the hilly country road.  Peaches and ice cream.  Sitting on the piano bench at the table.  Playing with Auntie Nance's old (scary) stuffed animals and Grandma's old clothes upstairs.    .

2.  If someone really wants to show me how much they love me      they can pay attention and then show me they are paying attention by doing something little that means a lot.  The key is "little" because large gestures make me uncomfortable (which someone would know if they were paying attention...)  So, better for someone to bring me a tea bag they thought I might like to try versus presenting me with a trophy for being wonderful at a parade they held in my honor  .

3.  Lately I've been wondering a lot about   my identity and how to fight the labels and remember I am still the same stellar me even if I leave the city and become a Suburban Mom who may never do Muay Thai again and probably can't do 5 push-ups anymore  .

4.  When it comes to saving money I am      better than I used to be!  I try very hard and think and plan very carefully, but am sometimes distracted from my goals by shiny things (i.e. food wrappers)_.

5.  I'd prefer     caramel    over    chocolate    any day! 

6.  I wish I knew how to make      myself slow down and simplify  .

7.  I'm just waiting for      us to decide where we are moving so I can mentally prepare myself and map out various scenarios for the next five years in my head    .

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