Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RoBoy, Roo, Roo-ster, Scoe, Scooter, Pup, RoBro, Boogity-Boogity-Boo

Whatever you call him, he is getting to be such a big boy!  He had his first fat lip recently (a result of him testing what it felt to bonk his face into the hardwood floor a few times until it hurt).  Yes, it is hard to tell because he already has a fatty upper lip, but it was fatty-er and had a little red spot and a cut on his gums...poor little boo:

He is sleeping much better, loves any fruits and veggies we give him (even peas, BLECH), and furiously army crawls towards anything he shouldn't be touching.  His current favorite things to explore are my laptop cord (or any cord for that matter), my mouse, the cabinets we are assembling - especially the paper instructions, the dog hairs he finds on the rug and under the TV trunk, the dogs' paws, shoes (on or off feet), keys, anything on his changing table that requires him to turn over and scoot off the changing pad, our phones, my necklaces and hoodie strings.  

He loves, loves, loves the dogs and cracks himself up just watching them.  Thankfully they are very gentle and patient with his tugging and pulling.  

Mutual curiosity:

These are crazy days with Roscoe's increased mobility coinciding with our torn up, partially packed, partially remodeled house.  But really, this here makes every challenge worth it:

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