Here are some family highlights from Little Lu's first week in this world:
* I am still couch-bound as I heal, which means Ray is in SuperDada and SuperHusband mode waiting on us all and keeping the house running. It's a good thing he has had some time to relax and... go to the gym. Huh? Doesn't sound relaxing? Yeah, not to me either, but Ray is a different animal.
* Big Brother Roscoe got the stomach flu 24 hours after she was born. It was a rough few days for our poor little Roo with a new sister to adjust to and the whole projectile vomiting thing. Ray and I spent the next several days trying to keep them away from each other and in perma-disinfect mode. Thankfully Roscoe recovered quickly and the rest of us managed to avoid the germies.
* She sleeps. Did you hear that? SHE SLEEPS. And does not scream at us all day (and night) long. This ranks up there with things I am most grateful for in my life. I adore Roscoe and he is worth every single screaming second we spent with him, but I don't know if we would have survived another year like that - especially with a 2 year old. I finally understand what Heather means when she says newborn cries are cute and we finally get how people leave the house with newborns. She is a sweet little bug, this one.
* Roscoe is getting used to the whole big brother thing. He does want to be carried more and has, at times, pretended to cry like a baby and ask for milk. He is also not a fan of his favorite people coming over and paying attention to Luka instead of focusing on him. On the flip side, he has discovered what fun it is to imitate the sounds Baby Lu makes and likes to pat her and kiss her when she cries. He also likes to share his toys and feed her his snacks.
* Oh, and Ray accepted a new job offer. His current job hasn't turned out as he had hoped and a great opportunity came along, so in he jumps...
Week two is sure to be just as exciting with Roscoe's second birthday and Christmas squeezed in!
And some recent photos:
Daddy's Boy:
The Final Days of the Neverending Pregnancy... Roscoe and I took several long walks:
And the dogs followed me around like I was made of treats (I am trying to give Roscoe a bath here and they are crowding me in the little bathroom):
What's a Daddy to do when Mama can't carry Roscoe, but he wants to be carried when the vacuum is on?
And then came Baby... I still can't get over the fact that she sleeps and feel the need to constantly document it:
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