Another exciting week around our house draws to a close:
* Luka took her first car ride when her and I were so stir crazy we just had to get out of the house (what to do when you can't stand or walk much? - this really limits your options!). We went for a drive and checked out the Christmas lights and stopped at In & Out (yum!). Roscoe is fascinated by this little girl that rides next to him now and kept giving her toys to play with (when he wasn't kicking her car seat...)
* She had her first bath which lasted all of 1.5 minutes. She didn't cry right away - I don't think she knew what to think, but our house is hecka cold (got to love the here-and-there heat we have) and we didn't want to keep her in there long. I still don't know what to do with her hair. I am such a hippie at heart that I don't think Roscoe used soap for like 6 months, but then again we didn't have the issue of hair to deal with... must consult with her stylist (aka Ahmoo) when she arrives next week.
* Luka had her first pediatrician visit and checked out A-OK. She did have to have her belly button cauterized because a portion of it wasn't healing after the umbilical cord stump fell off. She only cried for a bit and now it is healing much better. Our little lady is in the 80th percentile for height and head size and the 99th percentile for cuteness.
* She celebrated her big brother's birthday by, well, eating, crying, pooping and sleeping.
* She celebrated Christmas in much the same fashion.
* I survived my first days home alone with the two of them when Ray went back to work. They are actually cooperating fairly well so far in that they alternate melt-downs so that I can focus on one or the other most of the time. Unfortunately for me I don't get a free second and with the whole not sleeping and still recovering thing I count down the seconds until Ray comes home (even more than before). Fortunately for me, it worked out brilliantly that it was just Roscoe's birthday and Christmas and he has loads of new toys and activities to keep him entertained.
All in all, another good week. The biggest positive that has come from having such a suck-tastic last six weeks of pregnancy is that many, many times a day I just thank God I am not in that space anymore. Even though this newborn stuff is tough, I am SO HAPPY to be here and not there. When I remember what I felt like then, I can actually feel the relief pour through my body that it is OVER.
Coming up for week three: diaper changing, laundry, New Years, diapers, laundry, grocery shopping, diapers, laundry, baths all around, more diapers, more laundry and then a visit from Ahmoo!
Daddy's Girl:
French Toast Birthday Breakfast (Courtesy of Dada):
Christmas Baby:
Wide Awake (this must have been taken at night...):
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