Late is better than never, right? :)
Our trip to Hawaii was amazing, of course, and I really enjoyed meeting more of Ray's family and hanging out with the ones I already knew. For those that don't know, most of Ray's mom's (known to me as Lala) family lives in Hawaii. Her sister, Auntie Fely, just retired after 38 YEARS of working as a housekeeper for the Sheraton Waikiki! It was like a big family reunion for that side and they definitely know how to throw a party (and feed a pregnant woman). Holy crap, I have never tasted such good mangos in my life - and I love mangos. I would eat so many mangoes and papayas and chicos (from trees in their yard, as it happens!) that I actually felt sick. I ate a lot of home-cooked, traditional Filipino food, which made Ray's dad very happy so that our son will know good food. :) Auntie Fely is an amazing cook and she spent a good amount of time telling me to eat or lie down. How can you complain about a vacation like that? Auntie Fely got us a room at her hotel for most of the trip - with a balcony overlooking the ocean and Waikiki Beach. Amazing. Uncie & Patty were also vacationing in Hawaii (with Patty's sister) and we got to overlap for a couple of days and hang out with them. Patty was about 3.5 months pregnant at the time and we got to compare notes which was fun. I will attach a bunch of pics - you know Ray took the good ones. :)
Sunset on the ocean (Ray was in the ocean when taken...):

Surfboards on Waikiki Beach:

Another rocky beach we came across driving around the island:

View from our hotel at night:

Strangers on a pier:

Roadside as we drive:

Prepping greens for dinner:
Auntie Fely's retirement party
The woman of the hour! Uncle Julio and Auntie Fely:

Ray's cousin's kids Kristen (Lani's daughter) and Sasha (Rachelle's daughter):

Ray's cousin May (Fely's daughter) and Nathan (Lani's son):

A hula performance:

An Argentine Tango performance by my in-laws:

The rest of the pics are on Ray's
smugmug page.