Friday, April 29, 2011

The Happenings Around Here

Before I rush into another week of excitement and changes, I thought maybe I should reflect on the other goodies that have been happening in our world.

Roscoe started with a new nanny Shelley and we love her and he loves her and therefore we love her even more.  She nannied for 14 years before she had her own son, who is now 9 months old.  Roscoe is learning (sometimes reluctantly) how to share and play nicely with other kids.  It was a rough week to start, though, since he has been teething pretty bad this past week.  I count 4 teeth about to come through, plus two more molar bumps that will make their appearance in the next couple of months.  Poor boy!  He had a bit of a fever, which isn't unusual when his teeth are hurting him, but on Thursday morning his temp shot up to 104.7* and I almost had a heart attack.  I simultaneously gave him Motrin, stripped him down, put him in a lukewarm bath with a bottle for hydration and Googled the nearest emergency rooms on my phone.  He was breathing hard and his heart was racing and his whole body was trembling.  I don't know if I've ever been so scared for him.  Thankfully, his temp dropped a few degrees and we were able to get to the doctor to find out he has an ear infection.  Ugh, I had so many of those as a kid.  It does make me wonder about the dairy, but that is a worry for another week...  Another positive is that we went to his new doctor's office (his first appointment is next Wednesday) and we loved it there.  They gave him antibiotics, but also garlic drops and probiotics.  *hearts* They seem to be doing the trick and he is a new boy today.  Or maybe he is a big faker and was just waiting for his Daddy to come home?  As soon as we picked Ray up from the airport last night he sure has seemed 150% better...

Our new home is becoming more of a reality.  It has been tented for termites and is being painted and carpeted this next week.  We ordered our range and range hood and washer and dryer and will shop for a refrigerator this weekend.  I can't believe it is real.  I can't believe we have a house with 1,420 square feet.  And a yard.  And a garage.  And we can walk to food and coffee and parks.  And we are moving in one week.  I might burst with sheer excitement if my mind wasn't already crowded with other urgent things.  Instead of physically bursting I just spend every morning from 1:30-5:00am thinking, thinking, thinking (in between my cursing the insomnia).

My new job is at least as stressful as I feared it would be.  I still wonder if that was the right decision, but I don't dread going to work (usually) and I think that is a very good sign.  Plus it will allow Ray to leave his corporate job that kidnaps him from Sunday night to Friday night every week and will allow our family more time and flexibility together.  There is no price tag for that.

I miss you all and hope you are having a good week.  Wish I could give you all hugs right now.  xoxo

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We Got...

We have a busy couple of weeks of house work and coordination (plus my audit at work and Ray traveling for work) and then (hopefully) a MOVE!  Hooray for our new home!  Will try and remember to take "before" pictures...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

And by flower I mean Roscoe. You know you have too much going on when your hopes for the day include a) survive and b) survive. But each day only passes once and I don't want to miss the sweetness in all of the haste.  Here are some of the moments worth stopping for...

Roscoe perfecting his "chair lounging" routine
(complete with remote):

Working on those spoon skills:

Reading Tatay's engineering magazine with his "thinking cap"
(i.e. a wet bag)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Deep Breath

I am having a hard time keeping up with all of the excitement over here.  Speedy update:

* We have removed all contingencies from the house and are just waiting to close in a few weeks (and hoping for no surprises).  I am beyond excited that we will be moving in about 6 weeks into our very own place.

* I started my new job and am just BUSY.  So busy.  Must stop dreaming about work...

* We found Roscoe a new daycare and he starts in a couple of weeks after we finish all background checks.

Plus, you know, all of that other stuff going on.

In the midst of the chaos, Roscoe continues to entertain and exhaust.  His favorite word is still NO (said emphatically).  Followed very closely by UH-OH (with feigned surprise).  He also learned a new trick at daycare: grab someone else's toy and yell MINE.