Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Happenings

Time is flying.  I am having a hard time keeping up with the basics, let alone extra blog time...  but I hate that I am not recording all of the little moments.  Here are a few of the happenings around here:

* Big Boy Rocs has officially made the transition into his Big Boy Bed.  Mainly because he found a new hobby climbing out of his crib and trashing his room (silently) while we thought he was sleeping.  The bed has not stopped the occasional room-trash, but at least now I don't worry about him falling on his head climbing out of the crib.  Plus now we can move the crib to Luka's room (not that she has used a crib yet, but maybe soon...)

* I had my last day of work and also started meetings with my new boss.  I have gone from being excited to terrified and wondering what I got myself into and am now feeling cautiously excited again.  I have a week off before I start, but I am already sad to think I will be away from my little cuddle bug Lu for such long days.  :(

* Roscoe continues to entertain.  He plunges his sandbox, makes us all play Marching Band several times a day (favorite instruments are the saxophone (must be Joel's influence), the drums and, of course, the microphone) and generally keeps a hilarious commentary most of the day.

* Lolo was gone for several weeks in the Philippines and ever since then Roscoe thinks everyone who is out of sight for awhile is in the Philippines.  If Ray works late and he doesn't see him - Roscoe says he is in the Philippines.  The other day Roscoe was watching Sesame Street and Ernie and Cookie Monster were doing a segment.  Roscoe asked where Bert was and I said maybe he was hiding.  Roscoe said (dead serious), "no, Bert Philippines."

* His imagination continues to thrive.  Yesterday he was playing on the playground with Nani and he was upset she was "hovering" as he climbed some structure.  He tried to give her a Time Out.  And then told her the reason was to protect her from the Scary Dinosaurs.  Right.

* Luka is still as attached to me as ever.  I LOVE that she will cuddle me (Roscoe was never big on that), but the months are catching up to me and I am getting very tired.  I hold her almost all day and she is still waking up every 1.5-2 hours at night.  Plus then Roscoe comes and wakes me up at the crack of dawn.  SO TIRED.

p.s.  As I was writing Roscoe was playing with a toy and I heard him saying "oh, dear!"  Hahaha.  What a nut.  Where does he hear this stuff?

Greeting his sister in the morning.  "Sweet dreams?":

Lu chewing on her giraffe's ear:

That sweet face just melts my heart:

Like I said, the Prettiest Girl in the World:

Lu and Ollie (Chris & Maria's):

Giving me attitude already:

Rocs loves bath time:

Do you think I caught her by surprise?:

The boys eating burgers on the patio:

Nani gave Roscoe her coffee sleeve to play with and he insisted on using it for like 2 days on his Special Mug to drink his Special Coffee (warmed almond milk):

Roscoe drew me pictures and told Nani what to write.  Nevermind that it's not my birthday - I love them!:

Rocs had his blood drawn again to check his vitamin D levels and (so generously) shared one of his stickers with his little sister:

Waiting for the local Easter parade to start:

Ray so appropriately dubbed this one "Big R, Little R and Old R":

He pronounced this train ride "too loud":

Easter basket:

Sweet girl:

Making his Big Boy Bed:

Tucking in his and Luka's animals:

Ach, the sweetness:

Last day of work with Mama (she can wear her pretty shoes Uncle Joel and Aunt Karen!):