Thursday, July 19, 2012

Let's Play!

This morning I was already jumping into my regular "day off" routine: start laundry, change kids, check work email, feed breakfast, change laundry, pay bills, check work email...  Roscoe was not up for it this morning.  First was the "sit with me" while he ate breakfast and I ran around the kitchen putting this away and that away.  Then came the "let's play" as soon as I opened my laptop to pay bills.  Normally (I hate to admit) I say "not now" or "two minutes" or something to just let me get through whatever I have to get done.  But this morning I saw his perfect little face full of hope and I couldn't do it.  So I said "let's play" and he laughed from sheer delight.

I love this boy with everything in me.

As we were midway through a rousing game of hock-socc-ball (this involves hitting a soccer ball with a hockey stick while the other person catches it with a baseball glove, generally with a baby strapped to them), Roscoe stopped and said "I'm going to get you" and came over and gave me a sweet kiss. (!)  Then he saw how happy I was and asked "do you want huggies?"  After I recovered from my speechless happiness I told him I love huggies, thank you.  He said "you're welcome" and resumed playing.  Point taken: hock-socc-ball is ALWAYS more important than bills.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Oh How the Years (Weeks, Days, Hours) Go By...

How time flies!  The kids are growing so fast!  

Do I sound old?  (well, I AM almost 33, which used to seem ancient...)

I think Someone has been sneaking a few hours out of the day because I look at my watch at 9:36 a.m. and then I look again only 30 minutes later and somehow it says 4:45 p.m!  Every day!  Come to think of it, I am pretty sure that Someone is sneaking a few hours from the night, too.  That might explain the zombie eyes I wake up with.

Right, back to the kids.

Roscoe is taking a swimming class with Ray this summer.  He has no fear (typical Rocs) and happily jumps off the side of the pool (in the general direction of Ray).  He puts his face in and blows bubbles.  He also (very enthusiastically) splashes anyone and everything near him.  

Luka is sprouting teeth like a pro.  Two down (bottom) and another one coming (top).  She is less vocal about the teething pain than Roscoe was (Roscoe was inconsolable - even with painkillers - and woke every hour of the night for months).  Luka is definitely harder to settle these days than normal and doesn't sleep as well either.  She has, in fact, taken to waking for the day around 4 a.m. and talking (loudly) to herself while she rolls and kicks and scratches and pinches.  Sometimes I can settle her down enough to fall asleep around 6 a.m.  Just in time for Ray and I to get up and get ready for work.  SIGH.  

I could say we are potty training Roscoe, but the truth is that Roscoe is kind of potty training himself.  The books all say to wait for things like that until the baby is 6 months old because otherwise the older sibling can rebel against the "growing up" and regress.  Since we already did the Big Boy Bed transition (which, to be honest, is still a battle) I wasn't in a hurry to start potty training, too.  But, Roscoe has started taking off his pants and diaper himself and going on his potty, so I guess that means he is ready...  He is doing pretty well so far, but this stage is hard.  He alerts us quite often that he needs to go - in the middle of his dance class, in the middle of Trader Joe's, 26 times when he is supposed to be going to sleep - but about half of the time he then just sits on the potty and hangs out.  One time he even leaned over and did a somersault off of the potty (leave it to Roscoe to make going pee an acrobatic adventure!).  Overall, though, he is doing a great job and making his Mama pretty proud of the big boy he is becoming.

Speaking of big boy, he is still cracking me up with the stuff he says.  He came up to Ray and I the other day and asked us, "What you guys doing?"  I just can't get over hearing things like that come out of my baby's mouth.  The other day I was (at his request) making him a "superhero" (i.e. cape) out of a bath towel.  I found a safety pin to secure the front and he cautioned me, "try be careful, Mom" and then when I successfully made the cape without injury he clapped furiously and exclaimed, "good job listening to me!"  Oh, Roscoe, sweet boy.  

His Daddy's Boy, that is for certain:

 Jordan and Roscoe's first concert together (the twins were wearing Thing 1 and Thing 2 hoodies hehe):

He read my mind!  (only kidding):

Taking Little Sis for a ride on his tricycle:

Luka looking festive in the outfit Nani got her:

Saturday morning Sprout:

This girl loves the swing:

Even though the swing has never been Roscoe's favorite, he is not one to be left out:

Pigtails in the park:


Still loves marching bands and loves a homemade drum:

My how things have changed (and yet they haven't...):

Our tumbler:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Father's Day Camping

Ray's request for Father's Day this year was a camping trip with Roscoe and his Dad (known around here as Lolo).  He also brought his nephew Basi to join the fun.  It was a very special trip - all things camping for Ray to enjoy, fishing for Lolo, dirt and adventure for Roscoe and, when Basi starts wondering why he agreed to come with the crazies, he could always play his Nintendo DS.

Weeks later, Roscoe still talks about how much fun he had.  In fact, if anyone mentions camping or tents he yells to no one in particular "THANK YOU, DADDY!" regardless if Ray is anywhere in the vicinity.  And that is probably the best Father's Day gift of all.